L is for Lucky

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December 22nd 2020

Age: 18


I woke up with the worst headache from my hangover. I can't believe I got black out drunk on a Monday. I check my phone to see three missed calls from Derek and a missed text from Amanda to call her when I get up. So I texted Ama back to let her know I was up. She immediately called me.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, yawning.

"Hey, so you had fun last night." I wince at how loud the phone was before quickly turning it down.

"Really? I can't really remember anything."

"Oh yeah. You had LOTS of fun." She says snickering.

"Oh no, what did I do?"

"Omgosh, so you picked a dude to hang onto ALL night. He was a nice sport about it, but you were so drunk, slurring words and hanging onto this poor man's arm." She's laughing the whole time she's telling me. At this moment I'm so glad she can't see me because I'm bright red as I start to slowly remember.


"Rose..." I hear someone mumble.

"Rose..." I try to answer, but only a low grumble comes out.

"ROSE!" Amanda shouts. I cup my ears and groan. I open my eyes, only to see an unfamiliar setting. We're in a random room, on someone's bed. Amanda is rubbing my back holding a trashcan in front of my face. I squint at the sudden light that turns on. And watch as a very handsome guy, around our age, walks over to us handing me a water. Ama moves the trashcan to the floor as I take it from him and gulp down the refreshing cool water. It burns slightly but I can't get enough, I didn't realize how thirsty I was.

I look up at him and try to smile, but I'm sure it doesn't look the best. "Thankk youu. I'm Roseeeee." He chuckles and looks over at Amanda who's rolling her eyes,

"I'm Enrique, but you already knew that." He says with a slight smile, bending down to my height. I look at him questioning. I have never seen this gorgeous man in my life.

"Um, I don't think I knew that. If I did, I would totalllllllllly remember that face." I say cupping it in my hands. I feel woozy again and decide I want to sleep. I just fall to my side on what I think is Enrique's bed. I wake up a little while longer and Enrique and Ama are helping me walk to Ama's car. Enrique sets me in and turns to talk to Ama. I grab his arm,

"Are you coming too?" I ask looking up at him. He chuckles and shakes his head slightly. I pout before he kneels down to talk to me,

"I'll come when you're less drunk. That way we can actually talk." He says smiling.

I pout before exclaiming, "We can talk now! I am NOT that drunk!!!!" Before leaning out of the car and throwing up, only then letting go of his arm.

End of Flashback ->

I gasp into the phone.

"AMA WHO IS ENRIQUE AND DID I PUKE ON HIM?????" She cackles into the phone like a villain from a superhero movie. I take a deep breath,

"Are you done? I need to know." I rub my temples, her loud laugh making my head hurt.

"No you didn't puke on him and he is the poor chump that let you hang onto his arm all party." She says in between laughs. I start to freak out. This gorgeous man put up with drunk me FOR A WHOLE NIGHT?

"Did he leave his number or anything?" I ask, not just because he's handsome of course...but to apologize for...last night....

"He put it in your phone." I start looking right away. Again not because I want him or anything like that...just because I'm looking out for his well being, like a good ex drunk girl who hung on his arm the whole night. I find it after a couple minutes and basically jump out of bed.

"Ama I'll call you back." I say staring at his name in my contacts.

"Wai-" I hang up and shoot her a quick "sorry I found his number got to go" text.

I decide to text him a quick and simple text,

"Hey this is Rose from last night..the drunk girl that-" Nah I don't like that. I quickly hit delete.

"Hey! This is Rose from the party, funny story I didn't remember you till Amanda told me hahahaahahaha...ha"

"Really Rose? You can't come up with anything better??" I say out loud before deleting and rewriting that text forty million kajillion times. I finally settled for a cute,

"Hey this is Rose from the party. Would love to get a coffee, my treat, to thank you for last night! :)" And I hit send and then ran three laps around our Apartment while I waited for a response.

"Hi, this is Enrique. I'd love to go out for a coffee with you. It really wasn't a hassle so no need to thank me. I enjoyed getting to be your chaperone lolll." I stared at that text for a good minute. Confused by what he meant by Chaperone. I guess he was too cause not even a minute later he texted

"Sorry chaperone sounded weird, I meant like a guide or something." And then texted,

"Wait, not like a tour guide or something, I just enjoyed your company. Anyway sorry for so many back to back texts lol I just didn't want to give you the wrong impression." I chuckled while reading his messages. They were cute, he was cute.

"Loll I always overthink texts so no worries. Well since you agreed to coffee, how about tomorrow at 10?" I smiled as I hit send. He was cute and I feel like I'm gonna love his personality as much as I love his looks already.

"10 works for me! See you then :)" And just like that I had a date, that wasnt a date but was a date, with a very handsome man and I was stocked.

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