part two: I have something to tell you

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Y/n's POV:
Soon the night came, we traveled from Mirkwood till here, human's city in hours to found the dwarves.

Although we had company, they've reached to the city sooner than us. The orcs, leaded by Azog, the chieftain of Moria.

I kneeled down on one of the roofs quietly, Legolas sat beside me, I pointed to one dwarf that was running to a house with some plant in his hand. Orcs followed him with eyes then jumped roof to roof after him.

I moved my gaze to Tauriel then to Legolas, they both nodded as we jumped after them.

I saw an orc tried to get to the house dwarves were in as a human girl noticed. She screamed and tried to close it to his face though the orc fitted his sword between the wall and the door while the girl was pushing her body to it.

Other orcs broke the roof and jumped into the house, I saw four dwarves and two other kids inside, an older boy and a little girl.

One dwarf (the one with the plant) tried to run but fell to some flour bags from behind. The orc smirked and raised his sword to put it down on the poor dwarf's chest.

I took my chance and raised my bow, orc was standing in front of an open window making himself an easy target. I made a hole inside of his chest by shooting nicely.

Tauriel jumped in from the window with two elvish knifes killing the orcs one by one, Legolas jumped in from the roof and started attacking while I pushed the door open with my leg and ran in throwing apart one of the orc's throat with my sword.

We trio fought with them one by one. I killed two other orcs that were on my area, though when I rose my head I saw an orc tried to stab Tauriel from behind while she was killing another.

I yelled in shock, I was a couple steps far from her to help. One sick dwarf that was lying on bed jumped and put his knife to the orc's head before he could put down his weapon to Tauriel. The dwarf then fell on the floor in pain.

Other orcs started to running away from the house, I walked to Tauriel and rose my hand for her to get. She lifted her self up as I patted her shoulder.
" Are you ok mellon(friend)?"
She nodded but she wasn't paying attention to me, her worried gaze was on the dwarf on the ground, groaning in pain.

"You killed them all."
The little boy said to Legolas. He put his bow on his back and walked towards the door.
"There are more, Tauriel, y/n, come."
I looked at his direction with worried eyes. A red hair one came to check on his friend, the sick dwarf.
" We're losing him."
He said looking at us with plead.
Legolas called for the last time before jumping from the window.

My gaze moved between Tauriel and the dwarf but stopped on the floor when I saw a cluster of kinsfoil on the dwarf's hand.

I took it from him and looked at them with shock. I couldn't believe there were gardens of kinsfoil growing in this area.
"What're you doing?"
The dwarf asked. I nodded at Tauriel.
"She's going to save him."
I said and passed the plant to her. She looked at me with doubt as I smiled kindly at her.
" Save him mellon, save your love."

She looked at me with shock for a second.
"I can notice love when I saw in someone's eyes, you deserve happiness
her eyes filled with tears as she nodded and suddenly pulled me to her embrace. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and closed my eyes in peace for a second.

Tauriel and I never got a chance to speak truly and deep though that short time that was given to us got enough intention to make us understand each other's feeling and of course, a bit of sympathy to light our hearts.

"Hurry, he's running out of time."
I said to her elvish ear then pulled back and ran to window, jumping from it, I was going after the blonde prince. Though I turned to see Tauriel for the last time, she waved goodbye at me before focusing on the sick dwarf again.

💜 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 🐉🗡️ legolas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now