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"It's come to our attention that.. your out of work pursuits are becoming more and more.. interesting. Is that right?"

"..Out of work pursuits? What do you mean by that?"


"It's no secret to the team, or to most people these days that you have some rather strange relationships, wouldn't you agree?"

I lean forward.

"I.. guess so..? What does my home life have to do with work? if you don't mind me asking."

My supervisor crosses her arms, raising a brow.

"Really? You aren't seeing the bigger picture in all of this?"

She gives me a look.

"Ivory. You are the girlfriend of Mitchell Nazagi, and have close ties with names such as Shiro Fall, and Theodore Hudson."

"Now I'm not saying you should document every single word uttered by them.. but it wouldn't hurt to get some exclusive articles in.."

My expression drops. I narrow my eyes and plant my hand into the desk.

"With all due respect, I have no obligation to.. Disrespect my friends and family like that! Why would you even suggest something like that?!"

"You know that Mr Hudson is no longer with us, and his family are in no position to answer my.. stupid questions!" I raise my voice at her.

As she tilts her head, I clear my throat. My posture relaxes.

She looks me dead in the eye and pushes a document over to me.

"This is the outlet rating sheet that we got just yesterday."

I look down to it. Like always, at the very top of the charts was the NAC. And beside it for most valuable asset.. was me.

"You are the most valuable member to our team, Ivory. With the things you know, or could get to know.. we will be unstoppable in the eyes of the public!"

I look up at her from the sheet, giving her a deadpan look.

"I don't know about you, Vicki."

"But I have respect for those I care about.."

I stand up from the chair I was sat on, sliding the sheet back over to her.

"I'm going home for the day. If I'm that valuable to you, you won't mind.. right?" I raise my brow at her.

Before she could utter another word I was out of the door. A sigh of frustration leaves my airways as I pace down the hallway and through the offices.

Passing my coworkers, I head to the elevator and ride it down to the lobby. And like that.. I was free from the hellhole that was my work. For the time being.


I place my thumb on the print scanner, the door unlocks. With a sigh of relief I open the door, stepping inside our apartment.

The lights were all turned off, aside from the one lamp in the living room.

I kick my shoes off and hang my jacket on the hook. I fix the sleeves on my sweater and walk through the hall.

Everything was clean and tidy compared to how it was when I left in the morning. I smile softly, noticing the door to our room open ever so slightly.

It was pretty incredible how much this place had changed since we first moved in. Since it was his place first, it was about as bare bones as you'd think it was.

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