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Y/n's POV
"Oi munchkin, I know you finally got to talk to your soulmate," my uncle says getting my attention, "but I need your 'elp. I got a customer comin' in any minute now and I gotta go pick Alex up from school. He got in another fight. Do you mind takin' a look at the blokes car and takin' care of it for me?"

"Sure," I close the journal, honestly relieved that I have an excuse not to look at Tony's reply, "I can hold down the fort till you get back."

"You are a peach," he kisses my forehead quickly before heading for the door, "I'll be back in an hour tops."

He dashes out the door and gets to his car quickly before driving off to go get my cousin.

A few minutes pass before I see a car pull into the lot. A dark skinned man sits in the driver seat on the phone.

Must be him.

He ends the call but doesn't come in.

Maybe he's waiting on someone.

I glance over at my journal.

Maybe I should see what Tony said.

My hand grazes over the leather, tempted to open it.

Why Tony Stark of all people?
My soulmate.
A fucking billionaire?

It doesn't make any sense.

I notice movement outside the window from the corner of my eye so I turn to look.

Another car, much nice than the first, pulls up beside the other one and the dark skinned man finally gets out of his car.

I expect the other driver to get out, but he doesn't. Instead the back seat opens and the passenger gets out.

My heart stops and my jaw hits the floor as I see the man walk up to the door.


But how did he-

I look to my journal and quickly hide it under a stack of papers before the two men walk in.

Why now?

The door opens and I catch the tail end of their hushed conversation.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look fine, man, quit worrying."

Wait, he's nervous?

"Hi, what can I do for you today?" I put.on my customer service smile as they walk up to the desk.

I can feel the pull, but I try my best to make it seem like I don't.

"Hi, I have an appointment, should be under Sam Wilson," the dark skinned man replies with a smile.

"Alright," I turn to the computer and type in the name, finding the appointment easily, "and is this just maintenance or is there something else you want me to take a look at?"

"My passenger side headlight is out, I thought I got it fixed but it went out again."

"Okay, I can be sure to look at that for you," I make a note of it, "and the keys to the vehicle?"

"Right here," he hands them to me.

"Alright, and will you be waiting here or are you going to be going somewhere else while I work on it for you."

"We'll wait here," Tony says quickly.

"Yeah, we'll wait here," Sam agrees.

Just my luck.

"Alright," I keep the smile on my face, "I'll get it done ASAP for you so you get get back to you day."

Sam walks away as I turn to finish typing up some things, but Tony stays.

"Can I help you, Mr. Stark?" I try to hold my nerves together.

I notice his matching bruises that are on my face as well and my smile falters.

"I know you feel it, too," he says quietly.

"Mr. Stark-"

"Tony," he interrupts.

I sigh.

"Mr. Stark, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you have to share my injuries and I'm sorry that I'm just not what you need," my voice shakes a bit, "you're big, and important, a fucking Avenger for fuck sake. But I'm a nobody. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do."

I get up from the seat and head out to Sam's car, Tony following close behind.

"How can you say that?" He asks, "soulmates are paired because they are perfect for each other. So how can you not be what I need? You're everything I need."

"Trust me, Mr. Stark, I'm not."

He grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

"Why not?" He says softly.

I sigh and pull my arm away.

"You're a billionaire. I make $11.75 an hour working at my uncle's body shop. You're a powerful man that everyone knows. I'm a nobody that people over look. You're a fucking Avenger. I can barely even stand up for myself. How the hell are we perfect for each other, Tony? Tell me. How am I in any way shape or form perfect for you?"

He steps closer to me slowly, not not even a foot away from me as he looks down the few inches to look in my eyes.

"Because I can give you anything you could ever dream of. You don't even need to work another day in your life. The world doesn't need to know you, I know you and will never over look you because you are everything to me," he brings a hand to my cheek, thumb softly caressing my skin, "I can protect you and I can teach you how to protect yourself. You are exactly perfect for me and I need you to see that. Because all I can see is an absolutely beautiful young woman, that I was meant to be with."

I stare at him in utter bewilderment, not able to will myself to believe him words, but also internally begging and pleading for them to be true.

The sound of an all too familiar old van blaring music pulling into the lot has me backing away from Tony and looking at my band mates as the pull up.

"Y/n!!!" Caleb shouts loudly as he jumps out of the van, guitar in hand.

"Caleb," I give him a tight, closed lip smile.

"Okay, the gang and I really think Highway To Hell is the song to play tonight," he says enthusiastically, "we were wondering if you could practice while you work."

He gives me the big puppy dog eyes and prayer hands as I just look at him.

"Please?" He presses, "I'll get on my knees if I have to."

I raise a brow, not believing that he will do it. But to my surprise, he does.

"Please please please please please please please please-"

"Okay! Okay," I stop him with a bit of a chuckle.

"Wait is that really all it takes for you to agree to something?" Tony asks with a mischievous grin.

"Don't you even dare," I point at him sternly.

"Wait," Caleb gets to his feet and starts looking between us, "matching bruises, matching scars, matching busted lip," it clicks, "Holy shit!! Tony Stark is your soul mate!"

"Wait what?" Jade says as she gets out of the van.

"Tony Stark is Y/n's soulmate!"

"Holy shit!!" She comes running over, nearly knocking me over in a hug, "congratulations and Happy birthday you lucky bitch!"

"Oh yeah, happy birthday," Bobby says as he approaches normally and calmly, not at all over reacting like the others.

"Okay okay come on, get the car in there so we can start practicing," Jade says, "and you can show Mr. Stark how good you can sing."

"You can sing?" Tony smiles at me, "artist and a singer. Double threat."

Oh Gods.
I'm gonna die of embarrassment.

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