The End Of Alexis

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I don't own anything except my OC's

Exorcizamus Te, omnis immudus spiritus, hanc animam redintegra, Lustra," She read the words off the book and when she was finished she threw it on the table.

She took a step towards the king of hell who was currently tied down to a chair and pulled out a small knife that was a gift from her father on her 13th birthday.

She cut her hand with the blade. It glowed a light orange shade. It stung.

She curled her hand so the blood wouldn't fall on the ground and all of it would go to its destination.

She was inches away from putting the blood in the demon's system when the door of the church swung open and her two brothers practically ran in.

"Alexis, stop!" shouts her older brother Dean.

"You can't do this." Says Sam.

"Why not?" asks a tired Alexis.

"If you do this, you die." Answers Dean.

Sam looks over at his brother with a face that Alexis has known her whole life. It means that he doesn't agree with how Dean handled something. Dean shrugs it off and goes back to the problem at hand, making sure his little sister doesn't die.

"So? How many will die if I don't?" Alexis says.

She smiles a little and says, "Kind of like Buffy."

They both look at her confused and then it clicks for Sam but he is too late she already put the blood in his system.

A force rings out, knocking everyone back.

The first one to get up is Dean who in turn helps Sam up and they rush over to where Alexis lays, still.

"Alexis, Lexi, Come on we have to go and find Cass and help people"- trails off Dean.

"Dean." Says Sam quietly holding back tears.

"No, she's not dead." Says Dean to him.

Sam puts his hand on his shoulder and says again, "Dean."

"No! No. No." says Dean quieter each time.

Sam pulls his brother into a hug and tears fall freely down both their faces.

When their tears have stopped flowing Dean Picks up his little sister's body and with Sam behind him they walk out of the church, to the impala.

When they get outside they see lights everywhere, falling from the sky.

"Angels. They're falling"

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