2 - The meeting

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Next morning

Technoblade's POV

When I woke up, Wilbur was nowhere in sight. I shot up and looked around for him, he walked in moments later. "Hey tech."
He said, noticing that I'm awake now. "Yo, how long have you been up?" I asked "Probably around two hours?" He questioned himself looking at the clock. "Oh, well I needed to repair my armor and I ran out of netherite, can you come with?" I asked, now checking my armor. "Sure, I need to aswell anyways." He responded, so we put on regular dimond armor and headed to the nether.

Meanwhile with ???

???'s POV

       I was walking around the fortress and wondered why no one ever left. So i ran to find an exit, finding it soon after. As I exited, I looked around to see the nether wastelands. I walked farther and farther away and found a weird black box with a purple inside. I inspected it and soon I heard voices coming towards me, I tried to run, but one of the people saw me and grabbed me by my shirt.

      "Hey! Slow down! There's a lava pit that way!" I turned around, the man who grabbed me was a piglin, but he was wearing a material I've never seen before. "O-oh, I didn't know" I said trying to not panic at the handsome man now infront of me. "That's fine-" he got cut off by another man speaking, he was human. "Hello! I'm Wilbur, what's your name?" He spoke enthusiastically. "Uh, my name is Werhar" I spoke, curious as to why a human was being nice. "Well Werhar" the piglin spoke again, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Technoblade." He continued speaking and finally let go of my shirt.

Now known as Werhar's POV

         "Nice to meet you too, Technoblade" I said, looking him in the eyes. "Well, wanna come with us Werhar?" Wilbur spoke, smiling after. "Uh, sure..? I guess I could go with you" I spoke now looking at Wilbur. They lead me through the weird box-like thing, after I stepped to the other side, I was hit with cold air, it was way colder than what I was used to. As we walked, I took note that this place had a weird, white powder-like substance covering the ground and falling from the sky.

      We soon arrived to where Technoblade and Wilbur were taking me. It was like the fortress but way smaller and it wasn't dark red, it was light brown. "Here we are! This is our house Werhar!!" Wilbur turned to look at me. "What does 'house' mean?" I asked, looking over both of them and the building, "A house is a small place were people live" Technoblade spoke calmly opening the door to let us inside. As we walked in, I saw a few things scattered around the floors and the furniture. "Sorry it's a mess, didn't expect visitors." Techno spoke, voice never breaking from being monotone.


A Weird Family (Technoblade×Wither Skeleton[Werhar]) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now