A Slippery Situation

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The trains, the kids, April's siblings and the glitter force all continued screaming as they now appeared in front of a fireplace, only the room was different. It appeared to be very dark and dusty.

Kirsty was latched onto Hannah and Hugo as she looked around. "Where are we?"

"Are we in a room?" Bruno asked, despite being new to the team.

"I believe that one of the maids cleaned up after lunch..." April pouted as she seemed to be nearly passing out for some reason, and looked more pale since she was afraid of bugs.

"This isn't normal..." Thomas said. "What happened to the party?"

April then changed back to normal.

"Forget the party, Thomas. Where did everybody go?" Candy asked.

"This can't be normal..." Kana said. "Look, we are inside the castle!"

The others looked around confused, not before Percy spoke.

"I possibly don't know what happened since we got here..."

"Never mind, Percy." Carly said. "We still have lots to do before we get ready for Christmas!"

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming in.

"What was that?" Sandy cried out.

"What shall we do? We must hide!" Diesel moved out of the way to hide behind some dusty furniture. The trains sighed for a moment, before hiding with him and the others.

"Where could he be?" One voice asked.

"Goodness knows!" Another voice exclaimed. "We've searched every last corner."

"I'm beginning to think he's not in the castle at all." A third voice replied.

"Don't worry, we'll find him. A fourth voice said.

What appeared to be a candelabra, hopping up on the windowsill and rubbed against the glass of the window and looked outside to see a beast strolling outside by the ice. "Viola, zhere he is!"

"Oh, wonderful!" the teapot cheered.

There were also a living clock, teapot, teacup, flowerpot, harp and scrapbook. April's siblings, the glitter force, the trains and the kids looked out carefully and quietly as they saw the group of moving objects.

"We mustn't waste time," the clock told the others. "We must find a way to get them together!"

When they left, one of the members of the gang sneezed, and tumbled to the floor, until she turned into her demon form.

"Who the hell were these people already?" Chloe asked grumpily in her demon voice.

"Uh, they were the living objects," Nia whispered to the trains.

"We were here by accident I know what we were hiding," Lily told Nia while looking down on her.

Belle was coming up the stairs as she was wondering what to do and ran into her new friends along the way.

"Hiya, belle!" Chip piped up.

"Oh, hello." Belle smiled. "Chip, do you know what day it is?"

"Well... it's now Tuesday..." Cassandra tried to think.

"No, silly  today is December 24th," belle explained like it was obvious. "The day before Christmas!"

"And the most wonderful time of the year!" Kirsty added.

"And what a beautiful day it is!" Lumiere smiled nervously. "A beautiful day for a morning stroll."

"Yes, yes, nothing like a brisk walk all around the grounds." Stellow agreed.

"Yeah! Or you could go ice skating!" Chip suggested. "Girls, chill, you should come too!"

"Ah, yes, fresh air, exercise," Cogsworth took a stretch which made his back snap. "In fair moderation of course."

"Cmon, girls. Let's go outside and do it!" Emily cheered as she ran to the coat hanger.

"Why are we all standing there for? Let's do this." April said, bringing the others with her. The blue boy also followed, but despite being chubby instead of fat, he walked politely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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