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     "Make sure you get those drinks out to table 3, Y/N." Jay said firmly as he flipped the burgers in the back of the kitchen.

I let out a sigh as I laced up my roller skates. It was the second week of my job and the first week of UA's starting sesion. The only reason I'm doing this whole sha-bang is to help my own father with his shop. We aren't getting that many customers anymore and with me leaving for UA I know he's gonna be struggling. Especially with putting food on the table for my two little sisters...

The objective was easy: Work, Send money back home, nail UA University tryouts For a chance to get selected into the university,  and become a rich ass Pro. I Still needed to raise money if I wanted to go to the campus the proper way...Call it self absorbed if you want but at the end of the day I'm still risking my life to save people in danger. Which puts me in danger. Yeah I'm doing it for the money but who isn't now a- days.

I slowly stood up and collectively swung my feet forward with a fake smile, "You need to loosen up jess." I chimed.

"Listen Y/N. It's hot as hell back here. I'm steady flippin' burgers all day with no AC and the ones I mess up I gotta throw out or the customers complain you get your prissy ass back here and will' see who smilin."

My throat tightened as I watched the beads of sweat roll down his round bearded face... Maybe he's right.

I picked out the silver tins with the shakes and now fries placed on top of them. My eyes scanned the restaurant mentlly counting out the tables. My feet began to move once I got the right direction to table three, A half U shaped table. The worst type of tables to serve. They were normally full of big families, Old/ Middle aged men or...... Teenagers. I could visibly see five heads start to pop up as I got closer. 

They were snickering and laughing as my co-worker rolled past on her skates.... Yep definitely teens. I kicked my heel stopping myself in front of the table.

"Table 6?" I ask as I start placing down their drinks. I can feel my palms slowly start to sweat...

"Yep." A girl said... She Seemed to be the only one there, Her skin was a dark mocha, Her hair was gorgeous, It curved around her face in a puffy but loose curled pink Fro. I could hear slight snickering start to rise as I started to place down their food.

"Guys, cut it out." My eyes darted up to meet a pair of red eyes... This boy seemed huge for his age.... Red hair fell down his shoulders as it was being smothered down by a black beanie, a sympathetic sharp smile and dimples acquainted me. My eyes darted over to his slouching friend. His hair was almost platinum blonde... The designs on his undercut where.... Decorative? Boombs and explstions were drawn into his hair. His eyes seemed dazed as he stared out the dinner window. They were red like his friends but not as friendly looking- maybe due to the black piercings scattered here and there.

As I place down their napkins I can hear more chatter from the other side of the booth - I can't stop myself from looking over. A male with black slick hair is slouched lazyly against the booth's window. His face was partly hidden by a hat. I could tell he was smirking from the little bit of his smile showing and the guy next to him had a huge one plastered all over his face. M

His hair was almost... yellow? A black stripe printed through it in the shape of a lighting bolt, silver rings aligned his fingers, I noticed his Thrasher sweater was trashed with rips and holes, That's when my eyes locked on the skateboard between his legs.

"So," The male with black hair started, "Are all your skirts that short?" My eyes widened as a loud thud came from under the table.

"Excuse him." The girl said through her teeth.

My lip came up in disgust, He's lucky I'm actually trying to keep this job...

As I place down there straws the Blonde seems to lock eyes with me, I watch as his ruby eyes narrow in on my breast before he scoffs, "I don't blame Sero for pointing it out... we asked to go to a restaurant not shitty ass Hooters."

"Kat?..." The Redhead next to him erupted giving me another sympathetic smile. It was small but way more genuine then the first time. Like he knew something like this would happen...

I let out a soft scoff, "I mean I wouldn't say Hooters... This shitty ass place couldn't even compare," I smiled softly, "You're giving Ghouls too much credit." 

My smile dropped as I kicked my left foot to turn and skate away as my skates started to roll a whistle from their table sounded through the air- My body tensed as I stiffly turned back to face them.

Snickering starts to rise once again,
"Do all you girls have that much mouth?" This 'Sero' dude asks...

I give him another sickly sweet smile, "Nope...." I say, popping the P, "I'm the one and only..."

"Well, miss one and only. You forgot my friend's sauce packets," The blonde and skater one starts to snicker...He lifts his head - I swallow as I'm able to see what this douchebag looks like, My throat tightens as I pull a face....

My fucking dick head neighbor ? Of Course it just has to be him and his group of asshole friends...

I've had run-ins with him in the past... He has a thing for throwing late night parties in our apartment complex when i'm trying to sleep or study, Never got his name though-

My jaw seems to lock shut as I mutter out, "You...."

He gives me a smirk... "The one and only..."


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