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When the boy finally woke up, he panicked.

Everything was unfamiliar. The room, the bed, the windows, the blankets, their warmth, everything.

His breathing stuttered as his gaze fluttered to every single thing in the room, it all quickly becoming too much. He barely noticed the person sitting in a chair against the wall near the bed.

Dabi woke to the sound of small distressed chirps. The sound of labored breathing and the rustle of feathers moving against each other.

The man startled at the sound of low hiss echoing harshly around the room. The gravely sound pierced through Dabi's soul as it nearly paralyzed him with fear.

His eyes darted to the kid still on the bed.

"The fu-" Dabi breathes just in time for the boy to screech again in the guise of a hiss, causing the villian to flinch harshly.

The boy stared at him with wide, hauntingly green eyes as he swayed side-to-side. His golden hued wings hovering behind the kid, splayed just enough to appear bigger but close enough to keep safe in case of an attack.

Very slowly, Dabi stood from the chair so he could reach into his pocket for his phone. The boy's sharp eyes tracked each and every movement he made, only causing the scarred man to move even slower.

Dabi carefully brought his phone up to his ear one he managed to dial it. Thankfully it didn't have to ring for long before the person on the other end answered.

"Baby Doll, my lil' Fire Dove, I cannot talk right now. Whatever it is, please be quick" Hawks whispered into the phone, his tone urgent.

"Kei, I don't know what to do. I-I think he's scared and I don't- I can't- please" Dabi pleaded quietly, quickly becoming overwhelmed with the situation and the sounds.

"Hawks, i'm sure whoever is on the other end can wait, please hang up the phone" Dabi heard distantly on the other end.

"But this is-"

"Not as important as this meeting. Hang up the phone" The person demanded, interrupting the hero.

"I have to go" Hawks quickly said, "Be slow and careful, no sudden movements, show him you mean no harm. Give him space, take care of him"

Dabi just stared straight ahead, watching the boy in front of him as he listened to Hawks hanging up on his end.

Just like the hero said, Dabi moved slowly, putting the phone back in his pocket as he backed himself up against the wall. Sliding down the surface, Dabi sat on the floor, trying to look as non-threatening as possible.

It took a couple of minutes, but eventually the boy stopped hissing, his shoulders still tense though as he swayed with his wings hovering in the air.

Dabi stayed as quiet as he could as the boy looked down at him curiously.

Ever so slowly the boy's wings started to relax, coming down from their ready position.

Breathing a little easier, Dabi opened his mouth, speaking quietly.

"I'm not going to hurt you"

It was silent in the room for a good few minutes as the boy continued to stare.

"Are you hungry? I-I could get you something?" Dabi offered, slowly moving onto his knees. When Dabi tried to push himself up off the ground, the little bird didn't like it.

The boy started to hiss again, harsher this time more than before as his wings puffed up behind him.

"Shhh, I won't hurt you. I just want you to feel comfortable and safe" the boy hissed again at Dabi's uncharacteristically soft words.

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