Chapter 18.

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Taehyung came just behind Jungkook who was a blushing mess. Jimin looked at Jungkook carefully and smirked at him with tease as Jungkook stood near his bestfriend.
" Woah, what's wrong with you? Blushing I see.." Jimin teased and earned a light smack from Jungkook.

" So, Jungkook please show me your skills." Taehyung said softly and Jungkook nodded while showing him all the different skills he had and to be true he did have excellent ways of playing football. And Taehyung could see the potential in him.

Jungkook then bowed down and went back to his place just when the elder called him.
" Jungkook, stand here." Taehyung said and pulled Jungkook while making him stand near him under the umbrella.
The other players were jaw-dropped as they saw the luck of the younger who stood with a giggle as the elder did not leave his hand.
" Damn, The Kim Taehyung holding Jungkook's hand.."
" Wow.. jk is lucky.."
" OH my Godd!! Kim Taehyung's veiny hands.."
These were the mumbles that were hard by Jungkook.

Taehyung was about to announce Jungkook as the captain but there was one guy who was pissed off by this and it was none other than bambam. He always wanted to be the head of football team and envied Jungkook who got the spotlight from everyone. Finally, with a grudge Bambam spoke up.

" Sir, what about me! I am also a great player!" He barked and the coach stood there eyeing Bambam with anger ... How can someone say something against THE KIM TAEHYUNG.
Jungkook stood there without any expression and looked at the elder.
Taehyung took a deep breath since Eve he knew what he did was wrong, they both had different skills and played well. But, he did not want Jungkook to cry and get sad again that's the reason he had decided to make him the captain as told by Jungkook.
" Sir, I am still waiting for your reply. Why can't I be? What skills do I lack." He barked and everyone looked at him with shock.

" See, you both are equally good.. but just skills doesn't work. You need to have a sense about maintaining teamwork. And I just saw how you behave with everyone here. To be a good leader you need to be good to everyone." Taehyung finally finished and Bambam beamed in anger.

" That's not fair! I have skills too! And better than Jungkook! I want to prove that! "
Jungkook looked at bambam with a scowl on his face and looked away.

" Let's have a match only Jungkook and me." Bambam announced.

Jungkook gritted his teeth and ruffled his hair in frustration.
" Are you ready ?" Taehyung asked softly and Jungkook nodded and replied back.
" Let's have it."

Taehyung stood up as the ground had to be Clear for the match and looked at the younger who was fearless. The elder looked at bambam who was smirking while looking at Jungkook. The younger did not notice it but Taehyung did.
What the fuck is he going to do to my bunny.. Taehyung thought and went back to examine the game which was about to begin. The school had arranged for everything as Taehyung was there. He was seated in a chair with snacks being provided which Taehyung was not interested about. He just wanted to make the younger happy and not sad.

Finally the coach whistled and Taehyung started looking Carefully at the moves of both the players.
The ball was headed by Jungkook and bambam was vigorously trying to snatch the ball from Jungkook by his leg. Jungkook kept on with pace and kicked the ball professionally making a goal. His opponent gritted his teeth and went back while Jungkook clapped his hands in excitement as he made a goal. Jimin congratulated him by giving him a warm hug. Taehyung smiled at the sight.
Now there was only one goal left for Jungkook to make if he had to win.. because according to the game , the person who makes two goals first would win. Bambam was calmed by his boyfriend Yugyeom who was a little taken back by the behaviour of his lover.
" Bam focus. Just don't look at Jungkook like that.. he is just playing fairly.." Yugyeom told just to get ignored by his boyfriend.

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