Adore You

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It was New Year's Eve at Los Angeles' famous ski lodge. Many teens were having fun in the 'Teen's Party' well two weren't.

On one side of the club was Harry Styles and his dad, Des, playing one-on-one basketball. Des has been coaching his son since Harry wanted to join the team. Harry is the school's number one basketball jock and he was a looker. He had emerald green eyes and many chocolate curls.

"Keep working to the left Harry! The championship doesn't know what we're bringing them! Torture!" Des coached his son. Des is also the East High Wildcats basketball coach.

"By going left?" Harry questioned his father.

"Look left then make a break downtown." Harry had to think for a moment to understand what Des was saying.

"Like this?" Harry spines around his father and made a layup that made the basket.

Anne Styles hates it when her two boys are just playing basketball everywhere they went. "Boys," she waited till they looked at her. "did we really have to play more basketball?" Harry and Des looked at each other and nodded and said in unison. "Yeah."

"Do you remember what's tonight? The party!" The two men widen their eyes and then they remembered by looking at Anne's dress. "Harry there's a Kid's Party downstairs and kids are wearing funny hats." Oh great, Harry thought to himself.

"Kid's party?" Harry doesn't want to be humiliated in front of kids!

"Young adults, now shower up and get dressed!"

On the other side of the club, was a peaceful library with only one special girl, Selena Gomez. Selena was a straight A student in all of the schools he's been to. Right now, she's reading her favorite novel, 'Becoming'. She was about to turn the page, but her mom lifted the book out of her daughter's hands. "Sel, it's New Year's Eve, you need to stop treading. I know you're starting a new school after this, but put down the books."

"But mom, I'm almost done and—" Selena begged her mom.

"No Selena, there's a teens party downstairs. I laid down your best clothes now. Get ready." Selena sighed in defeat.

"Can I at least have my book back?" She asked. Mandy looked at her daughter then sighed and she gave Selena back her book. "Thank you." Selena replied and headed towards the room.

Both of them were dressed nicely but they thought it was too much. Harry had a blazer, nice pants, and brown dress shoes. Selena was wearing a nice dress shirt, jeans, some sneakers, and to top it all off, she added some earrings and makeup. "Howdy ma'am." A guy greeted Selena, making her giggle. Harry started talking to random people and Selena is trying to finish her book for the fifth time tonight.

There was a karaoke machine where two people are picked randomly and they have to sing. The couple on the stage was just finishing their song and the DJ on the stage took the mic. "Alright! How about that for a couple of snowboarders?" The crowd cheered. "Whose gonna rock the house next?" The room was filled with 'not me' and 'please not me'. The spotlights stopped on Harry and Selena.

Both of them shook their heads frantically, trying to get out of it. Harry was pushed onstage saying "I can't sing! Guys, I really can't sing!" Both boys came up to Selena who looked mortified. 'I just want to finish this book!' She thought, but she was placed in front of the other mic. Selena had her arms around her stomach to keep down her nerves. Confusion was on Harry's face and modified was on Selena's face. "Maybe someday you'll thank me for this... or not."

The music started playing and Harry was nervous. Finally his words came up. When he sang, his voice was all deep and raspy.


Walk in your rainbow paradise (Paradise)
Strawberry lipstick state of mind (State of mind)
I get so lost inside your eyes
Would you believe it?

'Man what I am doing? This is horrible! Good thing no one is looking!' Harry thought. Selena was next and her voice was a little high but sweet.


You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine

Harry and Selena:

Honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do

Harry and Selena finally look at each other's eyes. Green meets brown. Brown meets green. It feels like there's a spark going to them.


You're wonder under summer sky (Summer sky)
Brown skin and lemon over ice
Would you believe it?

Harry takes off his blazer and tosses it into the crowd.


You don't have to say you love me

Harry and Selena:

I just wanna tell you somethin'
Lately you've been on my mind

Honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do

Harry walked over to Selena and pulled the mic stand out of the way while touching Selena's fingers. Selena blushed a little.


It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do
It's the only thing I'll ever do

Harry came closer to Selena and Selena fell back. Lucky for her, someone caught her and placed her back onstage.

Harry and Selena:

I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah)
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do (Ah-ah-ah)
(It's the only thing I'll ever do, it's the only thing I'll ever do)
I'd walk through fire for you (It's the only thing I'll ever do)
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey (Ah-ah-ah), oh, honey
(It's the only thing I'll ever do, it's the only thing I'll ever do)
I'd walk through fire for you (It's the only thing I'll ever do)
Just let me adore you (It's the only thing I'll ever do)

"Harry." He stuck out his hand for Selena to shake. "Selena." The two shook hands and smiled. They both walked off stage and went to get some hot chocolate to drink and get to know each other more. "Are you sure you haven't sang before? Cause it sure sounded like you have." The two walked outside and enjoyed talking to each other.

"Well I did sing in my church choir but I got all nervous, and then I was out of the church."

They talked for awhile and they were really in a deep conversation that they didn't even realize that it was almost midnight. When they heard the other teens at the party start counting down, Harry and Selena heard 'Happy New Year'. They just looked at the sky for s couple of minutes and finally Selena spoke.

"Well, I better get inside and tell my mom a Happy New Year." Harry didn't want Selena to go, but he tried to suck it in.

"Yeah, me too. I mean, not your mom. I mean my mom... and dad." Harry trailed off finding the right words to say. "I'll call you so we can stay in touch!" Harry offered.

"I would like that." the two of them swap phones and put each others numbers in it.

Harry took a pic of himself to set it as his profile. Selena forgot to do it on Harry's phone but Harry took it from her. "I'll see you around Harry." Selena walked back inside and Harry didn't really notice.

"I really had so much fun today Selena. So, uh, where do you live?" He looked behind him and didn't see Selena there. He took one last look at Selena's contact.

"Selena." That's when Harry felt that it's the start of something new.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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