Chapter 1

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It was at that point I realized he had taken it too far. I could still feel his hand across my face. I was infuriated, I wanted to scream,cry, and yell. The fact that we were in a parking lot alone and no one saw what had happened scared me. I couldn't even believe it, I kept asking myself did he really just do that ? It all seemed to go in slow motion. His facial expression and his deep dark stare that wanted to vanish me. I collapse and started crying. Before you know it he changed his way of looking at me and had this soft look on his face telling me "baby I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you, it was a stupid reaction I'm sorry" I was so mad and hurt I didn't want him to touch me but I was afraid, afraid that he would hit me again for acting "big" as he liked to call it. We walked in silence I couldn't look at him I just looked down, he had his arm over my shoulders and acted as if nothing happened.... In my head the only thing I could think of was how would I explain this to my mother if she was home? Or if I end up with a bruise and she sees it what excuse can I make up this time? Will she believe me? Will she question me? What should I say? Do I look like I've been crying?. You see my mother was the type of mom that knew right away that I had been crying she would call me over and have me sit on her bed and have our long talks about how Chris and I had an argument. Of course she never ever knew the real reason of why I was crying I got good at hiding the bruises make up worked and since it was winter I always had an excuse to cover up my arms. Chris would grab me so hard sometimes he would leave his hand marks on me. When I opened my front door I realized no one was home by far the best feeling in the world knowing I had time for myself and did not have to answer questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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