2. I Like Me Better

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Adore's POV:
We were currently on our third year of highschool and nothing had changed between Yoongi and I. He still played basketball and I still did archery. Only this time, willingly. Not because my parents wanted me to, but because I was genuinely fond of it. And I also took on art classes so yeah.
Yoongi had gotten much more popular since the last year of middle school due to his position in the basketball team, but he was the same little Yoongi I knew. Although many people were friends with him, his bond with me was completely different. Ours was much stronger.
"Adore!" I heard as I exited my home. "Yes Spencer?" I said turning to my neighbor. He was, I guess one could say Yoongi's 'competition' as both of them were athletes and pretty popular, but Yoongi didn't make him in his world and neither did I. Scrubs don't take a part in my world.
"Say, why don't I take you to school?" He said as he showed me his car keys. "You know the answer." I said with a sarcastic smile.
"Come on. Just this one time." He pleaded. "I said no." I stated. "Don't play it hard." He said in a cocky tone.
"She said no, so beat it before I beat you." I heard Yoongi state as he arrived. "You again?" Spencer said with an annoyed tone. "Damn right. Now, get lost before I slash those pretty tires of yours." He said without hesitation. Spencer rolled his eyes but complied, nonetheless.
"God, how I want to strangle him." I said running a hand through my hair. "We." He corrected. I laughed and ran to his side and interlocked our arms. At first, Yoongi hated it but with the years, he learned to cope with it. But don't misunderstand me. He was such a fluffy ball 75% of the time.
"Did you eat anything?" He asked as we walked along the sidewalk. "Just a milkshake. Why?" I said. "That's not food." He said taking me in another direction.
"We are going to fetch some real food. I do not want to hear you complain." He said as we ran across the street as the light was about to turn green.
"You're so stubborn." I said with an eye roll. "Takes one to know one." He said as he let go of my arm only to take my hand. I told you. He isn't as bad as he seems.
"We have like half an hour, so yeah." He reassured. We entered the cafeteria and headed to the counter. Yoongi ordered food the both of us and paid before taking me away.
We walked towards school, swinging our hands back and forth and teasing each other. This is an everyday thing. So, no offense to any of us.
"Let's go sit over there." He said pointing to the bench under the tree. We walked towards it, occasionally stopping to salute some comrades.
When we finally arrived at the bench, we sat and grabbed our food. We ate peacefully and talked about a few things. It appears we both have meets this week. Meaning, we can't go support the other.
"Hey, don't feel bad about it. We can cheer some other time." He said with a small smile. "It's not that." I said taking a small bite of my croissant. "So then, what is?" He asked before sipping his Iced americano.
"My lucky charm won't be there." I said with a small pout. He let out a heartfelt chuckle and set his food aside. He took my hands in his and rubbed his thumb along my knuckles reassuringly.
"You know you don't need me there to kick their ass. You're the best archer in the school's history." He said with a smile. I brought him in for a hug and he chuckled.
"Yoongs, did you hear?" We got interrupted by one of his team mates. "Kinda busy, Chris." He said as he remained in the hug. "It's about the meets." Chris said.
Slowly, Yoongi let go and let a sigh out before taking a sip of his americano. "Go on." Yoongi spoke after. "They got moved over to next week." Chris said with a small smile.
Yoongi's eyes widened and he snapped his head in my direction. I smiled at him and he hugged me tightly.
"Well, I'm going to head over to class. Later, lovebirds." Chris said before turning around. I grabbed a pebble from the ground and threw it at his head.
Chris rubbed his head and looked back and laughed it off. "Are you free next week?" Yoongi asked as he finished munching his food. I did the same with my croissant and proceeded to take a sip of my latte.
"I'm afraid not. I'm going to be busy." I said with a small pout. "With?" He asked. "Why of course, I'm only going to be busy cheering for the best basketball player I know." I said with a smile.
"Lucky him. He gets to have the best cheerleader ever." He said with a small smirk. "That's what I say. Lucky him." I teased further. We both let out a laugh and got up.
"But seriously though, are you free?" He asked as we walked to class while holding hands. "Only for you." I said with a little laugh. "Good." He said as we entered and sat at the back of the class.
"Are you free this week?" I asked Yoongi. "You know the answer." He said with a smile before we both turned forward and prepared for class.
×Time slip to Lunch×
"What's on the menu?" I asked a girl infront of me. "Pizza and burgers." She said sounding a bit disgusted. "You don't fancy the menu, do you?" I said with a chuckle.
"Who likes the greasy pizza and dry burgers from school?" She said with a laugh. I laughed at her comment and looked over to Yoongi's table only to see he wasn't there. I pouted and the girl in front of me nudged my side.
"Lover boy isn't here, huh?" She asked with a smile. "Where does everyone get we like each other from?" I asked with a laugh. "I don't know. Maybe the fact you guys look at each other with so much love. Plus, you guys are always together. I could go on, but you know the rest." She said.
"Would you like to go grab a bite?" I invited. "Anything is better than the school's food." She said as we exited the line and headed towards the cafeteria's exit.
"I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask for your name. Would you mind sharing it with me?" I asked as we walked. "Oh right." She said with a laugh.
"I'm Tamara. Part of the Badminton team." She said offering a hand and a smile. I returned the smile and shook hands with her.
"Nice to meet you, Tamara. I'm Adore Park. Part of the Archery team and currently a Junior." I said. "You're team captain too, right?" She asked as we continued walking towards the exit of school.
"We actually don't have captains." I said with a laugh. "Oh wow. Just like Badminton." She said with a small giggle. We stopped and showed our schedule to the security and exited school grounds. We crossed the street and headed over to the restaurant in front.
"Adore!" I heard someone call out behind us. I turned around and saw Yoongi running to catch up. "God. You sure do walk fast." He said catching his breath a bit.
"Yoongi, this is Tamara. Tamara, this is Yoongi." I introduced them. They greeted each other and we entered the restaurant. Surprisingly, it wasn't packed.
"How about that one near the windows?" Tamara pointed at the table at the back. We nodded and headed over. We left our backpacks and headed towards the line.
"You guys can go sit. I'll order for Tam." I proposed. "I'll get the blueberry and strawberry yogurt smoothie and whatever you want to get me for a bite." She said with a smile. "I'll make sure to order well." I replied. She nodded and headed back to the table.
"I got us food. It's something you like very much." Yoongi said as we waited. "So that's why you weren't at the table." I retorted. "You were looking for me. How sweet." He teased.
"Should I be looking for Spencer perhaps?" I said as we advanced in line. "You hate him so much, you wouldn't speak to him even if he was the last man on earth." He whispered in my ear. For some reason, I got shivers down my spine and felt my cheeks... no. I can't possibly like him. He's my best friend since a very young age.
"Next." The cashier called. I escaped Yoongi and headed over. "Hi, can I get a blueberry and strawberry yogurt smoothie and a mild spicy tender sandwich please?" I said. "Would that be a combo?" She asked. "Yes. Medium please." I said pulling my money.
"Okay, you're total would be $15.37. What name would it be under?" She said as she took the money. "Tamara." I said. She nodded and gave me my receipt and change. I walked away and I think Yoongi followed. I wasn't paying much attention to him after what happened.
I arrived at the table and sat on next to the window. Yoongi was busy talking to one of his teammates so I took my chance and patted Tam's hand. She looked up from her phone and I motioned her to come closer.
"What's up?" She said putting her phone down. "How do you know when you like someone?" I hesitantly asked. "Doubtful?" She teased. I threw her a glare, to which she simply laughed off. "You know, the typical butterflies and shit. You feel safe with them and very much content. It's like you're being completed. You just... feel it." She explained. Shit.
   "Why?" She asked with a smile. "It's just- " "Sorry. I got caught up with Xion." Yoongi said as he sat. "It's alright." Tam said. "So, Tamara, what year are you in?" Yoongi asked as he pulled out my lunch alongside his.
"I'm currently a Junior." She said. "Great. Just like us." He said with a happy tone. "Yeah. Adore had mentioned it. How old are you guys?" She asked.
"I'm seventeen and so is my little Adore. What about you?" Yoongi asked as he pulled me in to wrap and arm around me. Tam smiled at the sight and I knew she was enjoying it.
"I turn seventeen next month." She said. "That's fantastic." He spoke up. I heard Tamara's name being called so I tried to get up but was trapped by Yoongi.
"Don't worry. I'll go get it." She said giving me a wink and sliding away. "So, are you gonna eat or am I going to have to feed you?" Yoongi asked as he turned to me. I took my food and slid further away from him.
"What's going on?" He asked. "I might like someone and I don't want to." I whispered. "Meaning?" He asked as he took a bite. "I can't afford to have a crush on someone. I have my archery career and studies to finish. Plus, being rejected by that person would take a toll on me and I can't afford that." I said with a sigh.
"So you don't want to fall for someone because you don't want to fail?" He said with a concerned face. "Yeah." I whispered before sipping my juice. "What if-"
"I'm back." Tamara said as she slid back in her seat. Yoongi cleared his throat and proceeded to eat in silence. "Shit." Tamara said as she looked at her phone. "I have to go. Coach called for a meeting." She said grabbing her things.
"But before I leave, can I get your number?" She said looking at me. "Yeah, of course." I said as she handed me her phone. I typed in my phone and gave it back to her.
"Thank you so much for lunch and for everything. I'll see you later." She said to both of us before sprinting away. I laughed at the sight and nodded.
"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi asked as he paused and turned to me. "Yeah." I said as I covered my mouth. "Promise to answer honestly?" He asked. "Of course." I said.
"Who do you like?"

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