4. Losin Control

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Adore's POV:
"Adore, you're aunt will arrive in a while. It would be great to have you dine with us." My dad announced. "Sorry?" I said.
"Lidia is coming over and should arrive any moment now. We would really appreciate if you could stay." My mom said. "She's coming? To our house? No way." I said in denial. Not because I couldn't believe it, but because I wasn't gonna stay and put up with her.
"Sorry, but I already had plans with Yoongi." I said taking my backpack. "Adore." My mom warned. "First come, first served." I said with a shrug.
"You see him every day. Can't you stay in today?" My dad asked. I was about to speak, but the doorbell rang. "She's here?!" My mom whisper yelled.
I took my hoodie and put it on before re-adjusting my backpack and walking towards the door. Unfortunately, there stood the spider and her spawn.
"Adore! My dear!" She said trying to hug me. "Sorry, I dislike skinship." I said moving away from her. "My my. What's happened to you? You look so wasted since we've last met." She said scanning me up and down.
"And you look exactly the same since you're husband left you, but we don't speak of that right?" I said with a sarcastic smile. My father let out a surpressed chuckle and faked a cough.
"Adore! Apologize to your aunt!" My mom demanded. "I will when she does." I said trying to walk out. "Aren't you staying for dinner?" They asked.
"My studies are far more important than two grown woman who only come to their relatives' home to criticize them and eat their food just to later ask for money. So, it'll be a no." I said walking out.
"How rude! You're such a failure in everything, you loser!" The spider's spawn spoke. "Says the twenty-year-old grown ass woman who still lives with her mother and did not graduate because she was too busy skipping classes and getting drunk. Simmer down, skank." I spat as I turned around only to see Yoongi standing there while a grin. Proud, plastered all over his face.
"At least my mother loves me." She said. "Yeah, so much she was willing to exchange you for a house. Or have you not gotten to that chapter yet, Auntie?" I hissed back. My aunt's eyes widened and she dragged her daughter back to her car and drove off.
"Thank you, Adore!" My dad called out with a thankful smile. "Any time Dad." I said before walking to Yoongi and waving my parents off.
"That was so fucking cool." He spoke. "I had to." I said. "Why are they like that?" He asked. "Because their lives are so miserable and boring, they got nothing better to do." I said with an eyeroll.
"I'm glad you know how to stand up for yourself." He said with a small smile. "I learned it from you." I spoke with a laugh.
"Then I did a pretty good fucking job." He said in a cocky tone. I fell silent and looked away.
"You okay?" He asked as we arrived at his house. "Yeah." I briefly said before we entered. I took my shoes off and put on my spare pair of slippers.
"Adore! Welcome back my love!" His mother received me with a warm embrace. "I'm so glad to see you." I said embracing her as well.
"Do you mind me staying the night?" I asked. "Of course not. This is your home." She said holding my hands gently. "Thank you very much." I said, offering a smile.
"You kids go settle down while I cook something delicious." She said ushering us into the stairs. We laughed and ran up the staircase.
We entered Yoongi's room, and once again, I was intoxicated by his scent. "Come on." He patted the spot next to him on the bed. I placed my backpack on the floor and removed my slippers before climbing onto the bed.
"What did you bring?" Yoongi asked. "Extra clothes and clothes for tomorrow. Oh, and my homework." I said. "Totally forgot about it." He said getting up and grabbing his things from the desk.
"What else was there?" He asked. "Nothing. Just History." I said. "Since you're the top of the class, help my ass out. I don't really pay attention when it comes to shitty people." He said.
"Miss Laurel isn't shitty." I said in a defensive tone. "I meant the people in the books." He said with a chuckle. "Oh yeah. Those." I said clearing my throat. He chuckled and we got to work.
I was reading out loud for both us to hear, but Yoongi stopped me. "Adore, is this the same person who's on the fifty dollar bill?" He asked. "No. That's General Ulisses Grant." I said. He nodded and let out a sound of amusement.
"Kids, the food's ready." We heard from outside the door. We left our books open and walked out of the room. We ran downstairs and helped set the table.
"Omma Min, there's only three plates?" I stated. "Ah yes. Unfortunately, Appa Min had to go on a business trip. He'll be away for the next month and a half." She said with a pout. I pouted too and sat in silence.
"Stop acting like that. He's away, not dead." Yoongi said as he served our plates. "Right." I said clearing my throat. Once our plates were served, we dug in.
"So, kids, have you two decided what Uni, or college, you'll be teaming with?" She asked. Yoongi and I looked at each other and he signaled for me to speak. I rolled my eyes and he smirked.
"Not yet." I spoke. "The good thing is we still have our Senior year to come. We'll get even more offers." Yoongi spoke. I nodded and ate in silence. I spaced out as both mother and son conversed, but they snapped me out of it.
"Adore, you okay?" Yoongi asked. "Yeah. I'm just thinking." I said. "About?" His mom asked. "The meets I have this week." I said. Yoongi nodded and his mom smiled.
"Adore, my dear, you are such a talented archer. Everything will be fine." She soothingly said. "But, we're going against one of the schools that has an archer with state championships." I said a bit stressed.
"And? We've been against people who have ranked higher than us and we've walked away victorious. Titles don't mean anything, and you know that." Yoongi spoke.
   "Adore, you've done this for nearly seven years now. It's experience that counts, not the titles." His mother spoke and suddenly, I felt more secure about myself.
"Plus, we'll all be cheering for you." She said. I smiled at them and thanked them. "Now, I want to ask you something." His mom asked. "Surely." I responded with a smile.
   "Is there anyone who might distract you going to the meet?" She asked. I was caught off guard but replied, nonetheless. "Not really." I said. I still need to clear up my thoughts about how I feel either way. So, technically, I didn't lie. She nodded and we continued to finish eating.
Once done, Yoongi and I washed dishes and headed over to his room. There was a sort of tension, but I wasn't going to make it even more obvious.
   "So, Adore, you don't have a crush on anyone?" He asked out of the blue. Maybe this was the cause of the tension. "I don't know." I replied as I continued reading. "What do you mean you don't know? It's either a yes or a no." He insisted. "Yoongi, there's a lot of time to figure it out. Plus, I don't think it's convenient to be having this conversation given the fact that you and Stacey are a thing. Mind your own business please." I said with an eyeroll.
   "What does me and Stacey being a thing have to do with any of this?" He asked with an annoyed face. "You should mind your own relationship is all." I said as I took my things headed downstairs. Could I be jealous? Yes. I sure as hell was.
   "Adore, dear, everything okay?" His mom asked. "Should I lie to you?" I asked as I joined her in the kitchen. "You know I have an eye to spy things." She said which cause both of us to let out a small laugh. 
   "You know how you asked if there was anyone-" "I know where you're going. Anyone can see that you like him. Well, all except him." She spoke. "What do you need me to do?" She asked. "No no. None of that. He seems happy with his girlfriend right now. He's my best friend above anything else. His happiness is important to me." I said, but truthfully, saying that he had a girlfriend left a bitter taste on my tongue. 
   "Adore, he'll come around. He's just slow. You know that." She said with a laugh. I laughed at her comment and sighed. "Well, I'm going to head home, if you don't mind. I find it best if I don't stay." I said with a pain in my chest. "It's getting dark out. I'll drive you." She said with a gentle smile. I nodded and headed towards the living room, only to find Yoongi sitting there with a paper in hands.
   I'd recognize that paper anywhere. I mean, I wrote those things and saved that specific-colored paper for such confessions. I didn't bother to try and snatch it from him or explain myself. I had already done so in my writings. I simply past by him and grabbed my things.
   "So, you just plan to not say anything?" He asked as he signaled with the paper. I didn't spare him a glance and grabbed my things. "I'm talking to you." He called out. "I'm not." I retorted. He slammed the paper on the table and got up. I flinched and walked backwards.
   "Why is it that when I want to be happy you always have something against it?" He asked, clearly bothered. "Not everything's about you, Min. So simmer down or you'll never see me again." I threatened. "You wouldn't dare." He challenged with a chuckle. "Watch me." I spoke as I headed for the door.
    "You'll regret it." He said. "You will. I won't." I said before closing the door and taking my shoes in my hands. I walked into the sidewalk, but I heard the signature clinging of his leather jacket. Naturally, I started running. He could never outdo me. 
   "Stop fucking running. I just want to make sure you get home safe." He called out. "Leave me alone." I cried as I crossed the street without looking. Good thing no cars were passing. "Adore, please just listen to me." He panted as he finally caught to me. 
   "No. You listen to me." I said as I faced him. "I've loved you for years. I cared for you, and I've rooted for you. I prioritize you above anyone, because that's how special and dear you are to me. And what do I get? I get a kick in the ass by you dating the person who has made sure I'm miserable every fucking day. Oh, right. That's none of your business." I said as the tears brimmed my eyes. 
   "Adore, please-" "No Yoongi. Just leave me alone, yeah? I don't want your girlfriend making me any more miserable than I already am." I said as I took some steps. "Oh, and don't even bother coming to my meets. I won't go to yours either." I said facing him briefly before walking home. 
   Needless to say, the way back home was a blur. The tears came like a cascade, and I couldn't stop them. I didn't try either. I needed to let it go. At least I could give myself that pleasure. Yoongi didn't try to come after me. And I thanked him for that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have controlled myself.
    "Adore, I thought- What's wrong my dear?" My dad asked as he dashed from his chair to me. "Can I just go to sleep? It's been tiring and I have meets tomorrow." I croaked out. "Anything to make you feel better." He said as he let go of me. I walked towards my room and locked myself. 
   I opened my backpack and looked for my homework all over the place, but realized I forgot it. "Shit. What the fuck do I do now?" I panicked. "Adore, my love, I know you aren't in a great mood, but someone's here to see you." My dad announced. Please don't let it be him.
    Slowly, I got up, wiped my eyes and opened the door. "Who- Oh my god!" I said before running and embracing the person. 
   "Let's go for a ride, yeah?" 

Things got a bit interesting:p- Vermilion:):


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