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He grabs your hand just before it vanishes as if it was a fragment of his imagination... the rain fell even harder upon him...his tears flow down faster...

Masashi- ahhh!!! Don't play like that with my mind....

He turned away and ran out of there...he walked in the castle and walked into his coffin room... He gets in it and closes it up...

Masashi- *crying* she's gone... I have to understand that... I have to let her go...

Meanwhile outside...

The rain soon turned into a storm flooding everything around the castle..yet the Orange rose still standed tall, the following morning he got out of his coffin and walked out to the garden where he saw the roses floating around, he picked them up on by one and put them in huge vases... He then sat down on his knees and looked at the beautiful orange rose...

Masashi-'re still alive... Where did you came from? I've never seen a rose as beautiful as you... *He chuckles* you know, you even have her scent...

He smiles at the rose and sits there, thinking what it will be if you where there with him...

That day he spended it there looking at the roses, while feeling the rays of the sun burning his skin, he didn't seemed to mind the pain...the birds from before had come back too, he smiled... Or at least he tried... His eyes soon filled up with tears... He tried to control them... but it was to late, the tears started to flow down ones again, he sat on the ground not bothered by the mud and hugged his legs crying your name...

Masashi- *crying* _____CHAN!!!! Where are you...come back, please come back!!!

He cried and screamed until the moon light fell upon his shoulders... His eyes where closed as he cried... A hand came out of the earth one's again, this time the hand become an arm,then a body... As he cried he heard you whispering seemed so real yet so fake...

You- Masashi kun...

He looked up... When he saw you, his tears flow down faster, they seemed to have no ending... he pulled you into his arms... Your body was filled of dirt and mud... You looked at him confused...

You- Ma...Masashi kun....why are you crying?

He didn't say anything just looked at you, he smiled and pulled you even closer, pressing his lips against yours with a passionate kiss...

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