Chapter 2

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Meanwhile in the pizzeria...

The sound of static and police codes could be heard going on and off.

"Darn... Thing... Shut-up!" Mangle struggled trying to fix that irritating sound that her voice box echoed threw her.

"Hey you okay?" A male voice said out of kids cove.

"Yeah Bon-Bon, I'm fine. Just trying to fix this stupid noise." Mangle replied without looking at Toy Bonnie.

"Ok good." Bon-Bon smiled and then a female teenage robotic voice was heard in one of the party rooms.

"Hey Bon-Bon what are you doing? Come join the party!" Toy Chica yelled over
"Just checkin' on Mangle" Bon-Bon called back.
"Ok well you-you two come on over in a minute, okay?" Toy Chica said trying not to be rude to Mangle.

"Oooo, a party, I like parties!" Mangle clapped in excitement.
"Yeah uh, it's not a party." Bon-Bon said hand on his neck.
"It's not?" Mangle asked confused.
"There trying to set you up on a big talk about the 'oldies' and... Foxy."
"Oh..." Mangle frowned.
"Yeah, they don't want what happened last time to happen again..." Bon-Bon sighed "to be honest I don't see what's wrong with what you and Foxy did. It was rather nice i think."
"Don't even remind me" Mangle mood went to depressed. "But I thought Ted (Toy Freddy) said that the 'oldies' shouldn't even be waking up... They should be, dead." Mangle asked confusingly.

"Yeah well we think we heard screams from Freddy... And Foxy about an hour ago." Bon-Bon said squinting. "It seems like they were in a fight." Bon-Bon added making claw gestures with his hands.

"Are they okay?" Mangle asked worriedly.
"We don't know yet but they want to make sure that you don't remember Foxy. So... Just fake it. Make them know you don't know who Foxy is." Bon-Bon said making quotation marks with his fingers.

"Okay then, thanks Bon-Bon" Mangle grinned.
"Don't mention it." Bon-Bon laughed "No seriously- dont mention it."

And they started waking to where the madness all started.


And it's out! Yay! Don't hurt me, I wasn't the best in vocabulary so yeah. Also I hope you like this story. If some of the stuff doesn't make sense, it will reveal itself eventually- maybe in the prequel or later in the story. Hope you enjoy! Ill try to update daily but don't hate if I take short breaks.

Make sure to check out my other stories as well as this one!

Peace! ✌

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