Chapter 24

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Freddy chuckled as he fled the room, but then looked back at Foxy. He was still turned off but he had this expression on his face that looked like he was deep in thought. The same face he gave Freddy in the past when he ignored him.

The past. Freddy winced thinking about it. Was he too cruel? No. This is what he deserves. Freddy nodded and left the room.


Foxy's POV

Did this weird ass headache kill me? Eh I guess it wouldn't make a difference in the pizzeria. Bon, maybe Mangle would be sad but, all would be normal. Freddy would quit his quest to shut me up. I just don't get it.

What is going on in here. Im descending into a forest. Is this just dreamland?

I hit the ground with a loud THUD. But it didn't really hurt. Trees surrounded me with a roof of leaves shielding me from the sun. I looked around and heard voices. But not just any voices, kid voices. I'll decide to ignore it. I could barely hear a conversation two of them were having. I can't resist! I swiftly jumped behind a bush and tried to look for them. Aha! There they are.

3 boys 1 girl.

One of then was wearing a nice suit and looked the oldest and most mature. The boy seemed to look at another boy with annoyance. That boy looked the youngest of the boys. He was drear in crimson colored clothing. All scarred and ripped, with a pirate hat on. I like him!
I could hear him yell "Arr! Im a pirate, Ill make ye walk the plank!"

He was scaring the girl who looked the youngest in a basic yellow shirt and vey light yellow pants. Everything about her was yellow. Or blond. You get the picture.

The girl ran over to another boy and pointed at the pirate one as if she was telling on him. I couldn't resist to chuckle a little. That another boy was wearing a purple bow tie. Also in an okay looking suit however it was mostly purple.

Another boy came out of nowhere! How many boys is there?! He was also yellow but looked older than the first boy. He was the alpha of this kid pack.

He started talking but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I shifted my foot and it slipped. I rolled down the hill right to their feet.

Ugh. This is gonna e awkward again isn't it. I quickly got up and said "hi." But none of them were looking at me. All of them were doing what they were doing before. That's strange.

"Hello?" I waved a hand in front of their faces. They can't see me. So I could stalk them all day, which is super weird and gross, or I could leave. I'll stalk them I guess. It's not like a have anything better to do.

Now that I am down here, lets get a closer look. I peered the one I liked up and down. He'll make a great pirate! I looked at the brown one with the suit. He was yelling at my young pirate! The purple suit and oldest one tried to calm him down. The yellow girl just played in the making a dirt cake. She out flowers in the top. Delicious. Not.

I took a second look at them and realized something. It hit me like a brick shot out of a cannon.

This was me, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Goldy as kids... Wth

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