I Wish You Were ~ Felix OUAT FF

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*(Another FYI, I really wanted to learn how to shift to go into the Neverland world)*


" I wish you were here with me, I wish you were here to hold me. I wish you were here to hold me close, I wish you were here to say that I'm the one that's most"

- Anonymous


I was back. I was actually back to this dreamworld again. I didn't think it was possible but in Neverland, "The impossible is possible". So what can I say? I'm just glad to be back here in this world again. It's my home, it was my escape from reality, my escape from everything.

My life wasn't too exciting, mostly just filled with stress, parents, and my teenage life. But, He was my escape. He was the only person who really understood any of my problems going on in my "real world" life. He was only who how would actually sit-down and listen to me, and hear what I have to say, instead of ignoring me, and pretending to know what I mean. Now I was here again, to enjoy these wonderful moments with him once again.

I opened my eyes, and smiled with pleasure, here am I Neverland, I'm back. I got up and looked around, the same as it's always been the ground was firm and wet, and the thick green leaves were still overgrowing into the different paths that was made for the places of Neverland.

I don't recognize this place though, usually I'd wake up near the cliff of the Skull Island or in the middle of Neverland. It was alright though, I'll just make my way back to where I usually am, so I could find Felix. Felix, was one of the older lost boys, he was also Peter Pan's right hand-man, and was one of the first people I met here in Neverland.

There was something about him that I just loved either it was mysteriousness or his pure hearted kindness. Peter was also very mysterious, but in a more attractive way. I dusted off any dirt from my clothes, and started walking north.

I reached somewhere else new as well, it was a small but large open area, with some of the green leaves around, but there was a path to a rocky area that lead toward another cliff. I followed the path, and stood, looking at the view this little place had provided. It was the view of the ocean, the deep, dark blue heavy sea, moving and moaning with waves. The moon was also present, hovering over the sky, big, and bright. It was almost hypnotizing. I turned around, in case anyone had followed me to this hidden secret place.

I sat near the cliff, letting my legs hang free, feeling the cold wind hitting against my ankles. Wherever this place was I was glad to find it. Something about this place was more comforting than all the other places I'd ever been here in Neverland. I took in a deep long sigh, inhaling the cold, dark breeze down my throat, and slowly allowing it to exit from my mouth. I did this a couple times to feel at ease. I must have been nervous, since I had kept doing it, maybe it was just to keep in the cold air in my throat, or something had been on my mind.

Without warning, I hear a crunch of a stick behind me. I quickly turned, and saw it was Felix standing tall, casting a shadow beneath him. He was slightly smiling at me. I stood up, and walked towards him. "Felix!" I said giving him a hug. He hugged me back within seconds after my body had came in contact with his. "I'm so glad to see you again!" I said still holding him in my arms tightly.

We let go, and looked at each other, gazing into ones eyes. "I'm glad to see you again too, it was starting to get lonely here without you" he said smiling. "I'm sure it was so lonely" I said giggling at him. Yup, that was same old Felix, always cracking up jokes when I'm around. Just another thing to love about him. "What brings you here again Y/n?" He asked coming to sit near the cliff of where I was before. "Well, nothing much. I guess I had just been bored of my "real life" world and wanted to come here, and you know escape again." I said sitting next to him on the cliff. "Hm, parent stuff bothering you again?" He asked looking at me. I nodded.

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