Chapter 1 - A Joke Plot Twist That I Made is Real!?

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“Mommy! Mommy! Look, a rose.” I heard my high pitched voice along with the sound of rain and busy streets. I was crouching on the sidewalk looking at a rose. A shadow was casted upon my small body as I looked back to the person behind me. Saying the person is beautiful is an understatement. Her long straight hair covered her back, casual clothes adorning her slim figure and a warm gentle smile that would make anyone swoon. I enjoyed the quick moment when raindrops stopped assault me just as she opened her mouth ---- for something to shake my body instead. I immediately flew up, eyes wide open, brain still hasn’t registered until a voice yelled at me instead, “Hey! Wake up Lin Ying. You’re late to school.” I looked up to the person who cut my dream short, I numbly admired her very long hair, before I registered what she had said.

I suddenly got out of my comfortable bed, startling her and even myself. I quickly went to the bathroom, to brush my teeth when a knock was heard across the door. I opened the door to see my mother, sitting on a wheelchair with a beanie on her head, hands stretched out, giving me my school uniform. My heart hurts when I see her weak form but I still strengthen my heart when I saw her loving eyes, mouth smiling at me even though I am definitely going to be late to school.

“You shouldn’t rush Lin Ying, Take your time, after all it isn’t the first time you woke up late,” my mother said kindly. Ouch, your remark hurts mom. Look, I’m not one to always wake up late but I had a pretty sweet dream- Wait, what did I just dream? I tried to speak but I realized I was brushing my teeth, I took my school uniform and hang it on the hook behind the door. Then I took out the toothbrush and complained, “But mom, I really am going to get punishment this time, last few times I still came back home with my hands and legs intact.” “Oh? Did you bribe the teachers to not let you stand outside the classroom?” My mother teased me again! I really need to counter her teasing someday. My thought was interrupted by a sudden cough, my mother and I felt a dark aura and slowly turn our head to see the person who also interrupted my dream, my aunt. She glared at me and especially my mom, before scolding us, “Sister! You should be staying in bed. Why wouldn’t you listen to me for once.” I looked at my mom worriedly, just as my aunt glared at me. “Lin Ying! Don’t you think you should be doing something right now?” Oh right! I forgot I am late! My aunt looked at me exasperated while my mom sweat dropped. I thanked my aunt and immediately do my morning routine, I knew I could be a runner if I wasn’t so lazy when I was able to shorten the usual five minute walk into two, almost late by a few seconds. The teacher sighed perhaps in relief or exasperation when I passed right by him. I also agreed with him, maybe I should put multiple alarms later.

I walked to my seat in the classroom as everyone stared at me, their stares  prickling at my soul but I tried my best to ignore them, the peace was cut short when a palm slammed into my desk, startling me. I looked up to see a boy looking at me, taunting me with his smirk. “Hey Lin Ying, you know you’re almost late, right? Is it because of your bald mom? Wasn’t she the most beautiful woman in town? Or did your dad took your mom’s beauty and gave you to her instead? What a shame, she could be a rich and famous with you sucking life out of her and took her future away from her-“ he immediately stopped when he saw my glare, his mouth instantly shut tight at the rare sight of me being angry. “Look, I came here to study and get an education and here you are wasting your big mouth and putting your nose into other people’s business. You better leave me alone, got it?” The sight of me being angry will definitely be engraved into their minds. As everyone still fearing for their lives, the teacher- will definitely be called as their savior later on, came into the classroom. She was shocked when everyone was quiet for the first time when she came in. “Something must have happened, since they don’t looked hurt I’ll just start the class,” she thought as the class started.

“That girl finally showed her fangs huh, better tell this to my dad,” the boy thought of her face he saw that morning whilst shivered of her threat.

Oh no, oh no no no, why did I get angry? I’m gonna get beaten up and be forced to him of my lunch money. My peaceful school life where people would just whisper and stare at me is gone! I would definitely be an errand girl now. I internally panicked until something hit me on my head, I quickly turn around and saw a paper ball on the ground. I slowly looked up and saw my bully smiling evilly at me. I slowly picked up the paper ball and looked back at him. He signed to me to open the paper ball. At this point I think I’m going to get beaten up today after school or probably right now! What if he’s going to jump over to me and start punching me? Terror steadily rose up and up until I open the paper ball, to reveal a message. “Meet me after school at the park.” Yep, I’m doomed, I should beg him to at least spare my face and let me be the errand girl instead. I just put the message into my bag and look at the front, not bothering to look back.

The bell rang as everyone immediately going into groups and chatted, of course leaving me and Wei Liang alone. I immediately ran out before someone was shouting at me. I cried inside as I knew who it was, luckily I wasn’t facing him so when I quickly changed my expression and turned around. I smiled at him and asked, “What do you need, Wei Liang?” I could’ve sworn he had a scared face for a moment, I think I’m hallucinating since I’m doomed.

“Ah, Lin Ying, what kind of the flavor of ice cream do you want?” Wei Liang asked, looking at me expectantly. “What?” I accidentally blurted out. We stared at each other awkwardly, he coughed and I snapped back to reality and quickly responded, “Vanilla ice cream.” “Vanilla is so boring, I mean I guess you’re boring-“ He quickly shut up when I glared at him. Wow, am I that scary? I should have stood up for myself long time ago if that was the case. “A-anyways see you at the park,” he quickly ran away after that. I went to the park and decided to sit on a swing, looking at kids and teenagers alike playing together. Suddenly, someone whispered to me. I shivered and there I was, on the other side of the park, maybe that was an exaggeration. When I saw who whispered to my ear, I yelled, “Wei Liang! Why can’t you just say my name instead of… doing whatever you just did!” “Nah, I want to tease you,” he cheekily smirked at me. This cheeky brat! I fumed before realizing that he was holding two ice creams, “Give me my ice cream!” I put my hand out, puffing my cheeks. “Alright fine, here,” he gave me one of the ice cream and sat down on a swing and started eating the ice cream. I also went and sat on the swings and started eating it. He silently gave me a paper and I read and store it in my pocket quietly. “So about the message,” he started talking while eating. Oh no! The message, I completely forgot that he was my bully, am I going to get beaten up now?

“I’m sorry!” Both of us yelled at the same time. Huh? We looked at each other awkwardly as the apology left our mouth. I realized my mouth was agape and yelled, “Huh? Aren’t you going to beat me up or force me to become your errand girl?” “No! Why would I do that? Even if I’m known as a brat, I’m not uncivilized.” “Ha! So you do know that you’re a brat.” “Shut up!” he yelled at me, as I teased him. “Anyways why don’t you say so in the message? The message is so ominous that it could really be a death threat instead.” Suddenly we heard a rustle behind us but we ignored it and he replied, “What was I supposed to do, draw and glue some hearts to show that I’m not going to hurt you?” “No! I rather get beaten up than getting confessed by you.” I must have lost control of my expression when I saw him looking dejected after seeing my face. “Am I really that bad that you would get beaten up than confessed by me? Ouch.” “We’re getting off track here, so why are you apologizing now? You’re pretty rude you know.” “Once again, ouch.” I would’ve feel bad for him if it wasn’t for the fact that he insulted me and my family. We kept quiet after the banter and decided to just enjoy the ice cream. While eating we watched everyone playing. We heard some occasional sounds behind us at the bushes but we ignored it. After eating the ice cream we kept talking and sometimes bickered. We would also talked about useless things, feeling like once friends again.

After talking, we got tired and just admired the sundown while I play with the swings mindlessly.  was wondering what I will eat at dinner while I was once again got interrupted by his voice. Why is everyone interrupting my thoughts today? It feels like I’m in a novel. “I really am sorry, I was really rude to you,” he apologized again as pulled out a tissue pack and gave me a piece. “Ah, it’s alright. Your words mean nothing to me anyway,” I took the tissue and quietly thanked him. Another rustle was heard behind us at the bushes and footstep was heard soon after we finally looked at it. We looked at each other and he sighed, “Thank god that spy is gone, I never expect that we would have the same wavelength.” “Are you saying that I’m dumb?” “Yea, I did. Keyword, did. Please don’t hit me ma’am.” he smiled brightly and clapped his hands, feigned innocence after trying to backtrack his insult. “Good, I’ll let you go this time since you called me madam,” I huffed and looked away. “What do you really want? You went from a bully to my childhood friend in an instant,” I questioned him, looking suspicious of him. “I mean what I said. Sorry for bullying you, I just hate how you didn’t stand up for yourself. Of course I’m still held accountable but I just can’t accept it.” “Why would I waste my time defending myself from rumors? It’s just assumptions. I wouldn’t care if it was any other people, but if it's you it truly hurt me. I thought we were friends.” “I hope we can be friends again, can you please forgive me?” his dark black eyes staring at me so hopefully, I knew he was being genuine this time  “Fine, I forgive you. If you pull this again-“ he paled drastically and bowed, “No! I will not do this again.” “Good, anyways, why are you here? Didn’t you moved to England years ago? Why did you come here again?” I really am curious, his father needed to move for his business, and the timing is suspicious too, they moved here after my mother was diagnosed with cancer months ago. “Mother…” I mumbled, feeling my hearts already breaking when I thought of her. “Well you see…” I looked at Wei Liang. “We were worried about you,” he continued. “What! You can’t just move from country to country for fun. It must be expensive,” I suddenly yelled at him. His eyes widen and he asked, “Wait Lin Ying, didn’t you know about our dad?” “Like what? They’re super-duper rich or something?” I mocked him, he smiled at me and what he said will let me have an existential crisis. “Yep! You got it right.” He applaud when he saw me trying to processed what he said.

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