Chapter 2 - Family Intervention!

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He must have saw my reaction since his claps got louder. I quickly closed my mouth when I realized that my mouth was agape, “Okay, that was unexpected. I’ll just get to more important issues-“ “Ignoring things like a coward-“ “Who’s that person spying on us? Is it a classmate?” He looked down and looked thoughtful, after a few seconds he looked at me and shook his head, “No, I don’t think so. No one would have that much patience like a monk, especially someone our age. Unless……” “Someone sent them!” we both spoke at the same time. He held his chin and he theorized who would send a spy after some teenagers, “If I were to guess, it would probably be Dad’s competitor or acquaintance since some of them knew the existence of me.” “It could be also your dad,” “Impossible, he trusts me enough to not have bodyguards following me, so why would he send a spy now? I would also tell him about my day too or else……” He shivered while thinking how…… energetic he is. “I forgot how your father is,” I sweat dropped, also remembering his fiery personality during my childhood.

“Wait!” I can imagine a lightbulb appearing by my head as I realized something. Wei Liang snapped out of his nostalgia when he saw my paling face, he pull out and held my hand before my words shocked him, “What if that spy knew about me?”

He denied my assumption, “No! Why and how in the world would someone know? This is a really close guarded secret, I just know about it last week.” He let go of my hands, I countered him, “Let me throw it back to ya! Why would someone spy on you? It’s not like you tell your Dad’s business plans to people randomly right?” He looked at me, offended that I would thought of him so lowly before both of us realized-

“I/He did that before, a lot of times in fact.” He blushed deeply and I deadpanned at him, he shrunk at my gaze but somehow gained back his composure. “Let’s agree to disagree to this, I really don’t want to lose more of my-“ “ego-“ “-pride and dignity. But I need to confirm something Lin Ying.” His expression became serious, he asked, “Will your Mom fight?” I instantly knew what he meant, I smirked at him and said,

“My mother’s not a damsel in distress, you know. If you truly know her, you’ll know she pars with your father in terms of determination.” He grinned and put out a thumbs up, “Then I’ll be hanging out at your house at the weekend, your Mom will definitely pull us there when she hears about us.” Then he whispered shyly, “I also missed her food, especially the tofu dishes.” We shared a knowing glance, agreeing that my Mom indeed is a beast in the kitchen.

After the discussion we just talked and enjoyed some more time together splitting up and left the park. When I got home, I opened the front door and saw my aunt trying to put her shoes on hurriedly. I stared at her awkwardly, wondering what happened. She snapped her head upwards when she heard the door opened then saw me staring at her. A few awkward seconds passed and she quickly stood up, When I saw her anger face,  closed my eyes, expecting something. Then, I felt warmth around me, I opened my eyes and saw long black hair covering my sight. There I see, my mom behind my aunt and holding…… a camera? I felt alarmed when I heard some sniffles. “You idiot! Don’t suddenly be so rebellious today. At least inform me or even your mom. I can’t afford to lose you too……” I patted my aunt’s back, feeling regret in my heart. After a few moments, she ended the hug and looked at me for injuries, asking worriedly, “Are you okay? Why are you late?” “It’s okay, Auntie. I was hanging out with Wei Liang, we’re rekindling our friendship,” I reassured her. “Oh, You meet Wei Liang? Wasn’t he supposed to be at England?” My aunt jumped so hard when she realized my mother’s there. When she saw the camera, she blushed and was about to yell before remembered that familiar name. “Wait, he’s back!?” She looked at me once again and wait- did I just saw a grin on her face?

“Yep,” I confirmed her suspicions, and she yelled, “Yes! Liang Liang’s back. Sister, it’s been so long I’ve seen him and his mom.” She smiled widely towards my aunt, who just slightly smiled back. Who knew they both love him and his family so much? “Why don’t you invite him and his family later in the weekend? We have so much to catch up.” Ouch, my eyes kind of hurts now, they are shining more brightly than the sun right now. “S-sure,” I stuttered, covering my eyes from their bright smiles. “Ah, I should go shower now, it’s been a long day,” I yawned, putting my shoes into the shoe rack beside me, finally putting my foot out of misery. I slightly limped upstairs and cursing the cramps. As I gained back my footing, a voice stopped me, “Lin Ying, you don’t want to eat dinner? Don’t you have homework today?” I looked back to my mom on a wheelchair, I wondered how she can smile so brightly while being taken away of everything. I shook my head and told her I already ate and my teacher didn’t give us any homework and no Mom, I didn’t bribe the teacher again. I walked to my bedroom and put down my school bag, and then there I was, lying down on my bed wearing my pajamas.

“Hm……” I thought about today, anger quickly raising of the thought of my father. Why!? If you had the money, give it to my mother too! My mom’s sick and dying and you could’ve helped us- I stopped my thoughts immediately, forcing myself to think clearer. Okay, calm down. I have to think of why are we here in this situation instead of not drowning in money and sleep in a mansion, did my father, a really rich millionaire ran away with my mother, wouldn’t they need insurance or did he forgot to bring the money- No, that’s impossible, he wouldn’t do that-

“Yes, he would do that,” my voice and another voice was heard across my room, I was about to agree once more before I realized there’s another person in my room. I turned my head and there I saw, my mom sitting beside me.

“Oh my god!” I screamed, before slapping my hands on my mouth, quieting myself. My mom laughed at my reaction, slapping her hands on her thighs laughing, I also heard a chuckle and there I saw, my aunt standing at the doorway  Why is everyone wanting to scare me today!? Is Halloween coming up? Wait, why is my mom’s face paling. I finally knew the reason as my aunt’s smile turned into a grin, looking like a vengeful angel.

“You were supposed to be resting right now, but I suppose that something is happening right now. Why are you thinking that your idiotic father-“ “He’s smart!” “-is a millionaire?” Her eyebrow was raised, looking at me while leaning on the door frame, her long straight hair looking quite messy and slightly wet.

“Well auntie, you see……” I explained what happened today to them  They had looks of surprise, in my aunt’s case, exasperation, “What!? He could have used that money to help my sister! Why didn’t he give us that money?” I shrugged while looking at my mom worriedly since she’s been quiet for the whole time, she looked at us in seriousness, devoid of her usual smile on her face. We got out of our stupor when her voice rang in our ears, “We really need to talk to Wei Liang’s father about this too, I’m really mad that my husband would not tell me about this,” she said, hand clutching her wheelchair. Just as she finished, I felt terror and sent my regards for my father in heaven, I also sneaked a glance at my aunt and saw her wide eyes, she’s probably thinking the same thing too, although she also looked smug about it with that grin on her face.

“Calm down sister, we all should go to bed first then talk about it tomorrow, you can’t stay up late you know?” my aunt walked over to my mom and held her boney hands, then she whispered to my mom about something. I saw her earlobes getting redder and my mom’s smile getting bigger, They looked at me and excused themselves out of my room, leaving me to my own thoughts again. I yawned and realized that my eyes were drooping so I decided to call it a day and sleep.

“Sister sister, what story did you want today? Do you want me to talk about the time that you-“ “No! It’s so embarrassing, why do you also want to talk about it anyway?” 

“Hehehe, I just like to tease you. I really love you though, sissy.”



“Love you too, sister…”

“Aw, you’re so cute! I wish I still have my camera here!”

“Wait! Where’s your camera? I must delete that photo you got.”

“…I’m gonna go to sleep.”

“Don’t you dare make excuses… and she’s snoring.” Ai Ling sighed and pull the blanket over her sister flail body, knowing she would need to quickly find the camera before it spread throughout the whole world. She let out a small smile though and leave his sister’s room, closing the lights and the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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