Still, Just the Same

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I rubbed my temples as I entered the library to the Hawthorn school. I was getting annoyed, only been here for 24 hours and I swear I was going to murder everyone. I walked over to the bookcase and began to scan the binding for titles. "I thought I'd find you in here" Michael voice rang through the library. "Yeah...You found me. So, what do you want?" I asked, slowly turning to see him standing by the fireplace. "You aren't supposed to be preparing me for the Seven Wonders, we haven't done anything but completely ignore one another" he pointed out. "Are you ignoring me?" I fakely gasped as I placed my hand on my heart. "Cute..." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Look, I get that I hurt you in some way when I left but if we're going to do this. You're going to have to be around me" he pointed out. "And how do you know I wont tell Cordelia?" I asked him. "Tell her what?" He questioned . " About who you really are" I stated, arching my brow. The room fell completely silent and tension rose in the air between the two of us. He slowly tilted his head to the side "Or perhaps your little warlock friends? Do they know who you've sprung from?" I asked with a sass. "You won't tell anyone" he spoke, velvet in his voice. "No? What gives you that idea?" I questioned. He then smiled as he strides closer to me. "Because you once told me that no matter what, you'd stand by my side and follow me" He stated. "That's long over" I shake my head. " isn't" he chuckled darkly enough to feel as it shook the floor boards. "You may have developed a particular anger towards me but your feelings remain still, just the same" he pointed out as he got even closer to me. His rose scent filled my nose. "Screw you Langdon" I hissed out.  "Before, I might not have been able to completely sense your deepest and darkest places you keep hidden" he paused.  "Oh...but I can now" he laughed as his face was now inches from mine. It felt like I couldn't move and that all my anger and resentment towards him completely fell away. His breath his hot on my neck as he leaned in, brushing his fingers lightly across my cheek. I felt like I was going to break, like the magnetic pull towards him was going to completely take over my body. "I must admit, I could never stop thinking about you. When they broke me out of jail, I was tempted to run back to you. But, my father had given me instructions that you'd find me eventually" he whispered to me. "That, no matter what ever happened to us. We'd find a way back to one another" he added. "Because you Athena Black were made for me" he tells me. I look up at him through my long lashes. "Now stop fighting how you feel and just give into the darkness you l so desperately want to bury" he tells me. I felt it, the pull in my chest. "I won't betray my coven" I breathlessly tell him. "You don't belong there, you know it" he stated. "You aren't a witch Athena..." He whispered as he begun to circle me like a  starving lion hunting a gazelle. "Cordelia may not see it because you're protected from her magic. But not mine" he says me. "I see it now...the angelic but evil taste on your skin even now when that spell hangs a holding cage over your head" he informed me. "I don't understand..." I tell him, shaking my head. He slowly stepped away from me, extending his hand out. "You will, come and I will show you everything" he instructed me. I looked down at his hand that was reached out to me and sigh. I then take it before we had popped into another place. The golden wallpaper and creme carpet caused me to knit my brows together. My eyes scanning what seemed to be a lobby. Sofa and chairs lie about and a large crystal chandelier hangs on the curling above a large coffee table. "Where are we?" I asked him as I turned to him. He didn't answer as he guided me over to a desk where a man took noticed and smiled widely at us "Welcome to the hotel Cortez" he greeted with a smile. My eyes flickered to Michael as panic set in. What had I gotten myself in?
    After the man handed us keys to two different rooms I followed Michael into the elevator and he pressing the 6th floor. Neither one of us spoke as the elevator traveled to the 6th floor. The doors opened and Michael guestred for me to go in front of him. We walked down the hall together and I could hear the souls whispering all around, crying and wailing to be free. I snap my head towards a door and Michael hand reached out to mine and pulling me back towards reality.  "It's best to ignore the voices Athena, they'll try to lure you to them" he explained. I nodded and proceeded to follow him to a door with the inner 666 on it. I snorted out a laugh that I couldn't contain. "Really? How cliche" I tell him. He smirked before opening the door for me. I step inside the room and it feels like the heat is suddenly on. Michael shut door behind us and turned on the light. I look around the room, recognizing the dark wall paper and marble floor. Michael doesn't say anything at first "Why did I agree to come here?" I huffed, realizing this is the exact same place Cordelia went to free Queenie, but was unsuccessful. The same place where evil was born. "Because, maybe deep down you want to know who exactly you are" Michael says, now standing dangerously close behind me. Suddenly we hear someone knock on the floor and I turned to see something begin slide under the door. Michael walked over to the door, leaning down and picking the envelope off the floor and opening it up. He flipped what looked to be a card over before opening it and reading it. "Good news, We've been invited to dinner by the owner of the hotel" Michael smirked. "Great..." I fake a smile, knowing this situation could go a ton of ways and most of them with me dead in the end. Why did I agree to come here?

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