Chapter 7✨

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„Did I do something wrong? Is that why you want to break up?" He started sniffling and crying. Everyone in the pub started to turn to them. Black noticed their stares immediately feeling not to great in this kind of spotlight. „Hey don't worry, it's just one test, the next will be fine", she says petting his shoulder while looking around.  Then she leaned closer to him and whispered „Stop crying it's embarrassing. You are a man, no?" He looked up with red eyes. „So it was my fault?" Black sighed. „No, if you did something wrong, we wouldn't even be here right now and i would've immediately dumped you." „I don't understand, why are you breaking up with me then?" „Tsk tsk", Black says taking the bill to show it to him, „You don't have to understand just pay the bill and then let's go." He took the bill and after he had paid the two went outside. Black took a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it. „I really don't understand-", the still sniffling boy says. „That's just the way how the world is; even if you don't understand it, it still works just fine. Either way, I will call u a cab, so hop on and go." „I don't want to!", the man starts pouting. „I don't care if you want to or not, I have other matters to attend to." She disposes of her cigarette. „Other men?" „maybe." >Your guess that I am meeting with another lover of mine is true though~< she thought to herself, keeping herself from smiling.

The next day

The boy woke up in some kind of a medical room. There were utensils like syringes and bandages, but the walls weren't white like in most of the medical rooms, but instead, red. His head hurt a little and he soon noticed, that he was alone. Should he wait fir someone? No wait, maybe the people who brought him here are bad people... He tried to remember what exactly had happened. Ah yes, there were these guys, they had waited in a side street, then beat him up. But then, just before becoming unconscious, someone took him away... What did he look like? He had an eyepatch... What about his hair? Maybe some kind of red? Yes, but only the tips. >Shit, I am taking too much time thinking. I shouldn't stay here; let's find a way out before they come back.< He slowly stood up, checking his condition. Probably a few broken ribs, a terrible headache and his stomach hurt like hell; but he could walk properly. He looked at himself. He was wearing some kind of hospital-pajamas. >I can't go out looking like this...< he thought to himself. That was when he noticed the spare medical uniform hanging on the other side of the room. It consisted of a brown west over a white shirt, beige trousers, black boots and a white coat, that is usually used for experimenting. When he looked at it closer, it was about his size. He looked around if someone was coming or watching him. He hurriedly put the clothes on and went to the door. It was one of the automatically closing/opening ones. He found a mask, so he wore that too, to hide his face a little, that was probably badly swollen. He also snatched a clipboard, because he thought it looked cool. When he came out there were a few people, and to his surprise, they were all wearing the same uniform. It was like the one he was wearing but without the medical coat. He quickly got rid of the coat and the clipboard at the next dustbin, to finally not stand out anymore. He also noticed that the faces of quite many were a little.... unusual. Many had scars, burns, eyepatches or masks. Nobody even looked at him, he didn't stand out either, which calmed him down a bit. >How am I supposed to find the exit tho, everything looks the same< The walls were black with red ornaments and also red carpets, that seemed pretty new. Should he just open every door and stating to look for the toilet when he got it wrong? No that didn't make sense... But he couldn't ask someone either, and he mustn't act suspicious in any way. He came to the conclusion to just follow the majority of people, maybe the outside was there. He leaned on a wall,watching the people who passed by. Most of them went through a door that was about 20 meters away from him, in one of the many hallways. So after about half an hour, when again someone came to go into the door, he decided to go with them. They opened the door and inside was, to his horror, a meeting room. >fuck< He decided to just act like before and just sit down, nobody would notice hopefu- "Who are you?" The guy who held a presentation in the front looked at him. The other people in the room, all sitting at a round table looked at him. There were about 20 people plus the one in the front. He looked back at the guy who asked him. He had brown hair and purple eyes with dark circles underneath. The presentation was full of numbers pictured on a graph- he didn't understand anything. >think, quick!< "I am..." "You are...?", the man in the front asked. Vacuum looked at the people closer this time. There was a guy with black hair and red eyes, sitting in the front. The one in the front were probably important and everybody knows them. "I am her brother", he said, pointing at a girl in the back row. She had the same hair color as him and a high ponytail. >what the fuck? Brother? Couldn't I at least be a cousin of the cousin of a cousin or something? No, I have to be a brother, bruh. I mean she looks like someone who probably nobody knows anyways, but still she should know if she has a brother or not. They're gonna kill me, at best< The eyes of the people in the room widened, looking at the woman. Her surprised face was gone soon and she started laughing. The black haired in the front turned to her as well, asking: „Black, what is he...?" She stood up and walked to the boy. He looked at her, panicking inside. To his surprise, she laid an arm around his shoulder, still laughing a little and said: „Yup, this is my little brother, so be nice to him, you hear?"

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