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The cool fall air is starting to move in. It's now close to the end of summer, and closer to Chris and mine's one year anniversary. This morning I wake up in a rush to go to the bathroom as I feel the need to puke my guts out.

I thankfully make it to the bathroom in time to empty the few contents in my stomach into the toilet. I wipe my mouth as I lean my head back on the bathroom wall. Taking deep breaths to try to calm my still slightly turning stomach.

It's been a few mornings now that I've woken like this with no Chris to help, as he's been on a long shift. There's been a few people out sick, so he's had to pick up a few more shifts to cover others.

It's been tough not having him around. He's been sleeping at the fire station for the last few nights and our bed feels empty without him. His side has been mainly occupied by Dodger sleeping next to me, sometimes laying his head on my stomach.

I finally feel well enough to get up and start getting ready for my day. I brush my teeth trying to get the taste out, before heading into my room to pick out clothes for work today. As soon as I'm dressed, I head to Eli's room to make sure he gets up and starts getting ready for school.

I head into the kitchen to get breakfast ready, when my stomach rumbles from hunger. I make myself some coffee before making some scrambled eggs and toast. I set our plates on the island as Eli walks in dressed and ready to go.

We sit down to eat our breakfast together. "Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure buddy, what is it?"

I hear him sigh, unsure of himself, and it worries me. "Is it okay, if I um, if..."

"You don't need to be nervous buddy, whatever it is I can help you with or do what you need me to do."

"It's nothing you can do exactly. I was just wondering if... If I could start calling Chris dad...."

He rushes through the end of his sentence so quickly that I almost didn't catch it, I see he's gotten that personality trait from me. I sit stunned for a bit, before composing myself again taking a deep breath.

"Well buddy, that's something you are going to have to ask Chris. I don't have a problem with it, and I don't think he will either, but you need to ask him. I can help you start the conversation, but I think the question would be better coming from you."

He looks at me with a small smile. "Okay mom, thanks! I hope he'll be okay with it!"

I exhale a laugh at his optimism. "I think he will be happy to have the title."

We finish our breakfast and head to drop Eli off at school before making it to the office. The breakfast conversation with Eli running through my mind as I feel the need to empty my stomach yet again.

My words running circles through my mind, "he will be happy to have the title." That's when the lightbulb goes off in my head, and I mentally scold myself for not thinking about it sooner.

I head out of the bathroom after rinsing my mouth out and begin my morning of seeing patients. Thankfully my stomach holds up well so far.

As soon as my lunch break comes, I head to the stockroom to find what I need. I finally find it, and am about to head to the bathroom with it hidden in my pocket, when Alison comes up to me.

"Hey Frankie, you've got a visitor."

"Okay, I'll be right out."

I sigh before heading out to the waiting room to find Chris standing there with chinese food and some tulips. I can't help the smile that spreads on my face, it's probably as ridiculously big as his.

"Chris!" I run up to him, throwing my arms around his shoulders and pulling him down for a kiss.

"Hey." He exhales softly. "I missed you, so I wanted to bring you lunch during my break."

I smile as I pull him along with me to my office.

Once we're in my office, Chris puts the bag and flowers down before pulling me to him through my hip earning a squeak from me. He crashes his lips hard on mine and we both moan at the feel of being united like this again after so many days apart.

I pull away breathing hard. He lays his forehead on mine, trying to catch his breath. "I've missed you so much these past few days Frankie."

"I've missed you so much too Chris. Eli has too. Will you be home tonight?"

"Yes, thankfully I get to go home tonight, and I'm going to have a few days off."

I smile before leaning in to kiss him again. My stomach growling interrupts us, making Chris and I laugh.

We sit down to eat lunch. It's nice to be able to talk to him in person rather than on a phone for once. I feel like our lunch break goes by too quick, and Chris is soon heading back to the station.

I finish my afternoon of appointments before remembering what I was trying to do before being surprised by Chris during my lunch break.

I head to the bathroom and pull out the little sticks that will determine if my hunch is correct or not. I pee into a cup and dip the pregnancy tests into it. I set my timer and start to pace the small bathroom. Two minutes seem to take ten as I wait for the time to be up.

As soon as my phone goes off, I walk over to the sink and look at the tests. The smile that now splits my face can't be contained. And soon the tears of happiness start flowing from my eyes. The little stick confirming my suspicion, Chris and I are about to become parents.


AN-we're extremely close to the end y'all! A few more chapters left. I truly have been having fun writing this story. This chapter is not as long as others, but it's how I felt it worked best. I hope you like it! Vote and comment if you would like to!

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