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"If you don't mind me asking, how did you die Y/N?" Pat asked, looking at the taller sitting by the window.

"You really want to know?" Y/N spun around, glaring at the other ghosts.

They nodded eagerly and all snapped to attention. Y/N had been dead for many centuries yet no one knew how he had passed. There was a reddish-brown mark around his neck which was the only hint as to what happened.

"I can tell you about my life before if you want," the tall male offered.

"Oh yes, please do," Pat smiled, glad that his fellow ghost was opening up to them.

Then, Y/N started his story. "As a butcher down in Essex, I was handy with a knife. Had a sideline as a poacher, led a less than honest life."

The ghosts listened intently. Thomas, in particular, was incredibly interested. He had fallen for Y/N the moment he appeared in Button House.

"Then, the notorious gang of Gregory liked my style and dedication. They signed me up and gave me a real 'robbers education'. We rampaged through the Essex farms; we stole and robbed and fought."

At this point, Alison had walked in and started listening to the story as well.

"But when the law cams for us, I escaped and they got caught. I became a highwayman."

Thomas looked up at him expectantly and Y/N felt slightly guilty.

"The truth is, I was violent and with my good mate, robbed travellers at gunpoint. Money, watches, anything! I shot not one, but two men dead," he explained. "I was a ruthless killer with a ruthless killer's heart."

"I ran away here and changed my name. I got sent to prison after stealing chickens from a farmer! I wrote a letter to my family, a plea it did relate to. It was intercepted by law officials and I was caught," Y/N glanced at Thomas again before looking back into the vast garden.


If anyone wants me to finish this, I will

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