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"Box. Wheels. Uhh, move," Robin stammered.

"Motor car?" Captain queried.

"Car! Yes!" The caveman exclaimed.

The moment Alison stepped out of the car, Thomas fell in love.

"She's beautiful!" He gushed, staring longingly out the window.

A few minutes later, the ghosts were outside. They found out that the two living were planning a hotel.

"What a hotel?" Robin asked, confused.

"Well Robin, a hotel is-" Pat explained.

"Kill them."

"You can't kill them, it's immoral!" Fanny cried.

"Plus, if you do kill them, we could be stuck with them forever!" Captain exclaimed.

"That wouldn't be so bad..." Thomas muttered.

"Get rid of them." Y/N snarled, standing behind the group.

"Where did you come from?!" Thomas jumped.

"I want them gone." Y/N ignored Thomas and crossed his arms.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Pat asked.

"Haunt them, I don't care. Just get them out of here." Y/N grumbled.

Although most of the ghosts noticed his change in personality over the next few days, none of them mentioned it for fear of making his bad mood worse.

Thomas seemed to be the only one who didn't notice Y/N's change in demeanour.


If anyone wants me to finish, I will

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