Mike x Trevor (Romantic)

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(Young baby Mike x Trevor)

"Man can you fucking believe this shit?? After I waste all that fucking money on our dates, she just up and bails on me?? What the fuck is wrong with some people, honestly!" 

I slumped down into the sofa with an overexaggerated drop. I was currently ranting on the phone to Trevor about this girl I had been "seeing". To be honest, considering I'm currently not too focused on finding a girlfriend of any sort, I was actually really beginning to like her. Ha, jokes on me though, because now she's just fucked off to get back with some other punk that she used to be with. Bitch. 

"To be honest man, it's probably for the best that she left. Seems like it's saved you a lot of shit that might have come up if things carried on."

"Yeah man, I guess you're right. Hey did you wanna come over or something? I guess now I've got all the time in the world this evening." 

"Uh yeah, sure thing. I can be over in about 20 minutes if that's good?"

"Yeah sounds good to me. I'll stick a pizza on to cook and we can just chill on the Playstation!" I came up with the plan there on the spot, and Trevor seemed happy with the idea of it, so we said goodbye, and I placed the phone back on the holder before standing up to head into the kitchen.

Pizza on, I decided it was best to change my shirt to one a bit fresher. I'd been out all morning skating, and to be honest I was gonna change for tonights "date" with that chick anyway. It was only Trevor, so I didn't really have to change, but to be completely honest I did still feel a bit gross and sweaty.

I gave my room a quick glance over, and lazily pulled my duvet around so it looked a bit neater on the bed. After that, I grabbed a bunch of cushions and threw them down in front of my TV. As if on cue, I heard Trevors voice ring through the hallway downstairs, calling out a hello to my parents. They said hello back, and made some small talk, asking how he was and what he'd been up to over the past couple of days.

While walking through the house to go and greet my friend, I allowed the smile on my face to be very apparent as I listened to their conversation. He was always so polite, didn't need to be, but he couldn't help it. I appeared in the kitchen to find them all gathered around the breakfast bar, glass of Pepsi already poured for the two of us.

"Ah, I offered Trevor a drink and thought you'd need one too, so here you go dear!" I smiled at my mom and thanked her, picking up the glass and asking Trevor if he was ready to head upstairs. He nodded and we went on up. "I'll be back down for that pizza in a minute ma'!" I called behind me. I had caught a glance of the time on our kitchen clock and it was pretty much ready now.

Once we were in my room, we set our glasses down in front of the TV and I retraced my steps back to the kitchen. My mom had taken the pizza out and let it rest on the side, so I picked up where she left off and made a beeline straight for my room again. I returned back to see Trevor had made himself more than at home, sprawled out on the floor where I'd placed the cushions. He was already loading up the Playstation, knowing exactly what it was we'd want to play.

I sat next to him, grabbed a controller and we began playing through a bunch of our favourite games. We ended up spending a fair bit of time on the driving games, as those ones didn't really need too much thought in order to play. 

Every now and then, we'd shuffle about in order to readjust and stay comfy, and I quickly became aware of each time we'd accidentally brush our shoulders, or elbows together. The contact itself didn't weird me out, but it was Trevors reaction that always entertained me. Over these past few weeks, I'd grown to notice that he'd jump ever so slightly if we did ever graze arms, or if I was standing closer to him than he first thought, etc. It made me wonder why he'd feel the need to do such a thing, and I was smart, so I had my theories.

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