Young Mike x Female Reader (Smut)

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I snuggled back comfortably on the sofa in Mike's basement, watching him and the rest of Faith No More practice through a few new songs they'd recently written. The sound of their instruments absolutely swamped the small space, but I loved it. Watching them get lost in their instruments was one of my favourite things.

They were halfway through a new song which I belive they'd named 'From Out Of Nowhere', and so far I was totally vibing with it. While Mike was singing, he'd occasionally make the odd funny face at me, causing me to giggle, which then in turn caused the grin on his face to get bigger.

We'd been dating for a few weeks now. I'd met him and the boys during one of their local gigs. After watching their set, I had become super interested in their music, and once they'd packed up their gear, I ended up meeting drummer Mike, who then introduced me to the others. They were all sweethearts. Goofy and immature, they loved their innuendos, but what young boys didn't?

It was about a month into being friends with them when Mike had asked me out, and that was nearly 4 weeks ago now. He was very sweet about it, which was unlike his usual boyish behaviour. Most of the time he'd put on a douchebag front, that would honestly turn most girls away from him, but I always found it entertaining.

Bringing my thoughts back to the present, I zoned back in to see they were now finishing up the song. Once it'd ended they set their instruments down to give themselves a bit of a break.

"What did you think??" Roddy called over to me. He was wearing one of his goofy, proud lopsided grins.

"I fucking loved it! I reckon that's gonna be my new favourite at your shows!" I beamed. I went to stand up, and Mike made his way over to me with a mischievous grin on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sweat attack!" He yelled out, and then launched himself at me, holding me hostage with his arms linked around me. He'd trapped my arms by my sides, making it impossible to try and get away.

"Ew, for fuck sake Mike! Why are you like this??" I cried out, pulling a fake disgusted face. His only response was giving me a cheesy closed eye grin, and rubbing his sweaty cheek right up against mine. Thank god I chose to wear no make up today.

"You fucking love it bitch, don't even try to pretend you don't!" He mumbled against my cheek. He said it quietly, so no one else could hear, and I tried hard to fight the smile threatening its way onto my face. He leaned back to look at me briefly before leaning in for a kiss. Then another one... and another..... and another.

"Alright, alright, stop with the PDA, you love sick puppies!"

We broke away and laughed at the response, and I let Mike go to finish packing their stuff up.

"Are you two wanting to come out for food with us, or do you have other plans?" Roddy asked as they finished up the last little bits. I was about to answer before Mike beat me to it.

"Na, we're gonna stay here and hang out until you guys come back." He looked at me from the side as he spoke, and I could see some kind of look in his eye. Unsure of what he was thinking, I just went with what he said.

"Alright, well you guys tell us what food you want, and we can just bring everything back here, that way you both won't miss out."

We nodded and asked where they were going, then gave them our requests for them to bring back.

They were soon ready to head off, and we said bye as they filed out of the room, eventually leaving just me and Mike alone.

"What was that look you gave me earlier?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow as he walked back over to me.

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