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Treat everyone with the respect you'd like to be treated with as well!
I will not tolerate bullying, name-calling (unless jokingly, and the
person is completely okay with it), etc. at all. It would be considered
disrespectful, and we want this to be a fun roleplay

Don't beg for any of the roles. They're chosen by a random
wheel before I assign them, and so if one of my ocs gets
a good role I'll happily do the role, but don't get mad at me
when it's revealed my oc was it. Plus, you always have a
chance. If you continue to beg or rage due to not getting
your wanted role when the game begins, your characters
will be removed and you will be able to play next round,
ONLY IF you attitude has changed. If not, you're kicked out
of the roleplay and it will most likely result in a block from me.

You may only have up to five characters (preferably one cat for each
Clan, however it won't matter as long as enough people join at some
point this month). Don't just go for the main roles though, as that
would be considerably mean to many others who wish to have a
a high role (who haven't even gotten one). Yes, I will have a high
role in one of the Clans, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to steal
them all. So again, don't get mad at me.

the password is who's your favorite cat in the series? pm/dm me
your answer so i can properly accept you into the roleplay, and i
needn't say "accepted" for every single cat you make, i'll just add them
to the allegiances.

MONSTER || Warrior Cats Mafia Roleplay [OPEN FOR FIRST ROUND]Where stories live. Discover now