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detective (1)
the detective is given one or two clues each night to figure out who is on the good team, neutral team or on the bad team.

savior (1)
the savior is able to revive someone who is dead once every three or four nights. once they revive a player, their team will be revealed to them.

psychic (1)
the psychic is able to learn if one or two people are on the good, neutral and bad team every one or two nights.

spy (1)
the spy is able to well, spy on people. they can keep track of what the cat does overnight (when the kills occur) and if they're suspicious or not. if they are killed, it will tell the spy who their killer is, if their role is revealed to the psychic, it will tell them who the psychic is, and so on. it completely depends on if that cat is targeted for anything. they can choose only one cat to spy on every night.

medic (1)
they can save anyone from being killed overnight. however, they must choose wisely, because they can only pick one person every night. if the person they have chosen is targeted for killing, the killer's role will be revealed to them.

twin (2)
the twins are two cats who are linked together. it doesn't matter if they're blood-related or not, they're unwillingly linked. if one is killed the other is killed, if one is healed the other is healed, and so on. if one of the twins gets revived, the other will as well.


murderer (1)
the murderer can kill someone every night. they cannot be blocked unless their victim is chosen to be saved by the medic, and will only stop killing once voted out (and killed themself). they know who the assassin is, and the assassin knows who they are.

assassin (1)
the assassin has similar traits to the murder, except for the fact that they can kill once every three nights, and that the medic cannot save their target. they know who the murderer is, and the murderer knows who they are.

witch (1)
the witch is somewhat like the medic, but their goal is to assist their team. they have the power to block someone's ability for one night. if the savior tries to revive someone it will be blocked, etc. the only two they cannot block are the murderer and the assassin.

dark psychic (1)
the dark psychic is able to learn if one or two people are on the good team, neutral team or bad team every one or two nights.

scout (1)
the scout is able to spy on people. they can keep track of what the cat does overnight and if they're suspicious or not. if they are killed, it will tell the scout who the killer is, if their role is revealed to the dark psychic, it will tell them who the dark psychic is, and so on. it completely depends on if that cat is targeted for anything, they can choose only one cat to spy on every night.


survivors (a l o t)
their job is pretty easy. figure out who all of the members of the bad team are, and win the game once they're all gone! if not, they lose-

the clown's goal is to be voted out specifically. when they do, they have a chance to grab a cat and drag them to death alongside them. basically, a two for one kill for the evil team but they're not on the evil team-

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