Chapter Two - Approaching Marnore

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    Cold and wet was the drop that rolled down my cheek.

My nose twitched a bit and I attempted to open my eyes, without success.  Another drop splashed onto my face, but this time I was awakened by the cold fluid.  I tore my eyelids open and saw the grey clouds trampling the sun's rays fighting off the morning light.  Rain, it was raindrops that had awakened me.  "Where did this come from?  It was crystal clear last night."

I forced myself upright and took a look around me.  Nothing unusual so far.  Men hurrying around working the sails and pulleys, and scrubbing the main deck.  Dangling my weary legs over the side of the hammock I attempted to summon enough strength to stand.  I pulled myself out of the hammock, slipped into my boots, and pulled my hood over my head to fight the wet chill of the rain. 

The waves were calm when I got up, but within three minutes they had turned into a raging torrent ravenously tearing at the comparatively tiny vessels within them.  The ship was being tossed relentlessly and many of the men were frightened, including me.  I scurried across the deck to the stern of the ship where Maldrik was wrestling with the wheel trying to keep the ship on a straight course.  "Where did this all come from?  Yesterday there wasn't a cloud in the sky!"  I shouted to be heard over the harsh pounding of the waves.

"The storm came up from the south like a hurricane!  I hardly saw it coming before it was upon us!  I already signaled for the other ships to head more to the west to try and get out of the worst part, but it's already too late for us to go that way.  The storm came up too fast."

"What are we going to do then?  Are you going to try and fight it!"

"Aye, I reckon it's the only way!  If we stopped now these waves would obliterate this ship!  We don't have a choice, Laddie!" said Maldrik. 

"Lord Thrägorn protect us!"  The wind was blowing so hard that I could hardly open my eyes, and it was growing with every passing moment.  "Ease the sails!  Batten down the hatches!  Tie down anything loose!" Maldrik ordered.  "Will!  The sailors stay up here, take the rest to the lower decks and make sure nothing is loose down there!  Am I clear!"

"Aye Captain!"  I got all the men but the sailors below deck, and scurried around lashing down anything that was loose and began battening down the hatches.  Frantically I ran around searching for Zieth after I had done my job, but I couldn't find him anywhere.  Where could he possibly be!  I turned my attention upward when I heard the Captain call me.  "Will!  Get up here!"

"What is it?" I called out as I climbed up to the main deck.  The bolt on the hatch was rusting and I couldn't get it loose quickly, but finally after fumbling around with it for a while I got it loose and pulled myself above deck.  "Will, you're gonna want to see this!  Get up here quick!"

I rushed past Zieth without even noticing him straight to the captain's side and followed his gaze out in front of the bow, but it didn't take long to see what he was talking about.  Fear struck me in the chest like a hammer blow.  My muscles tensed and I couldn't think of anything except the growing belief that we were all going to die.

"Maelstrom!" I cried out in horror.

"Grab onto something sturdy and hold on for your life!" ordered Maldrik.  I ran to the ship's port side and clung to the gunwale railing and ran an arm through the shrouds to anchor myself to the ship.

"Hold on tight men!" bellowed Maldrik.  As we rolled over the outer edge of the vortex the ship lurched forward like an arrow.  With every passing moment my heart skipped a beat.  Hurtling towards the center at terrifying speeds, my worst nightmares seemed peaceful in comparison.  We're doomed!  We're doomed!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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