Ill still suport you

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I stood in my room in front of a body mirror i had facing torwds me i was fixing the shirt that o had finally found a shirt that looks decent and dosent smell of weed i turn at around to grab my beine that was on my top dresser it was sitting by the box of chocolate and a note with a single rose I adjusted my hat and pushed my pile of clothes to the side ' ill have to pick those up later' i grab my car keys and the chocolate with the note and the rose and head out the door "mom! Imma be back later tonight!" I shout "ok dear be careful" with that i  leave to my cruses house i hop in the car and pust the stuff in the passenger seat.

It dosent take long before im there i get out the car and-you know what maybe this is a bad idea i should just turn around i think imma throw up oh fuk-the front door opens " ok i wi-stan?" I scratch the back of my neck and turn around " hey leoo whats up?" I strained up and look at him with a smile "nothin much i was just gonin onna walk uh wh-what are you doin here?" He kindly asked me "well uh-its funny well you see-" he coked his head to the side " doyouwannagoanadate" i hold mu breth and close my eyes he doesn't say anything for a minute " w-what was that im sorry i didn't understand what your trying to get at" ok one more time dont be a pussy stan " do you want to goo onna date...with me" yeah as if he didnt know it was with you " oh! W-well ok!" Woah "really?" He laughs "of course when were you thinking on goin?" I scratch the back of my neck " well i was thinkin about goin now by the time we get there it should be sunset" i offer a smile and my hand "well ok!"
He takes my hand and i walk him to the car i open the door and before he climbs in he pickes up the stuff from the seat and carefully looks at them he gets in and i hurry in from the other side nd i start the car and start to drive to starks pond i glance over and hes opening the note and reading it i look back at the road its ok just act normal "wow stan,i-i didnt know you felt like this!"  I felt my face get red "so uh what do you think?"

We arived before he answered and i put the car in park and we turn twords eachother hes looking down at the rose with a certain fondness to it than he looks back at me "you know Stan I've liked you for a while now.. your so sweet and i love how you care for animals and your sile is honestly the best thing ever! I love spending time with you you make me feel so happy!" He takes my hand and looks at them i cant stop looking at his face "i would love to be your boyfriend stanley" he leans in and i do the same our eyes are closed and i lean down to cloes the space between us i cup his face in my hands and he rests his hands on my arms afer a while we pull apart but not to far i rest my for head against his  its a little bit before i speak  up  "wait here ill be right back" i hurry out the car  and open the back door and grab the soft black blanket and some pillows i hurry over to the trunk and set them up after a few minutes i walk over to butters and open the door  for him i hold out my hand and he takes it and hops down in his other hand is the chocolates i got him he smiles " woow stanie i didnt know you could be such a gentleman" he laughs  i smile at him and we walk to the back of the truck and hop in making sure to be careful of the four pack of beer that i brought he sits down and leans back on the pillows and i sit by him i suddenly feel a head on my shoulder and i freez up  he takes my hand and interwind our fingers and i relax and lean my head on top of his " thank you so much, for all of this it really means a-lot to me Stanley"  he softly says i kiss the top of his head "of course Leo "

We stayed there un tell midnight and only had one or 2 beers and we both ate the chocolate i drove him home and gave him a few good bye kisses after i had driven home and collapsed onto my bed i discarded my shirt somewhere across my room and sigh  ill have to tell Kyle tomorrow at school  but for now im so tired i shoot Leo a good night text and fall asleepwhat  gonna happen in this chapter
          I wake up at 6;30 in the morning and walk over to my dresser and pull out the clothes that I'm gonna wear today. After I walk over to the bathroom to wash my face and brushes my teeth I grab my hello kitty necklace and tuck it in under my shirt I slip on a pair of black socks and black converse with some writing on them I put on a white collared shirt and a blue sweatshirt over it with black pants and black ankle-high converse.
    I brush my hair and head downstairs noticing how My father is not in the kitchen. I hear the tv on and I'm assuming that it's my dad.

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