"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" my mom yelled, running towards me as i ran to my room, slamming the door shut and standing in front of it as she tried to get in, banging on the door. all because an ornament came off the wall. one of our dead cat.
"LET ME IN YOU BRAT!" she yelled again, it was too much. i pushed a chair in front of my door, and i grabbed my screwdriver and a pencil sharpener. i grabbed the blade, slicing my thigh. then again. and again. i smiled to myself, doing the same three slices on my other thigh. then on my wrist, slice. slice. slice. and then finally on the other one, slice slice slice. i cried to myself violently, sitting in the pool of my own blood. once she went to sleep, i finally got myself cleaned up.

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