Mrs. Jason Dean

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"Are you leaving me?" His voice broke, "Again? After all you've done - all you've said, this'll always be your choice, won't it?" J.D. whimpered - tears began to stream from his eyes, though he showed no emotion as he limped towards me.

I paused, my back turned to him, hunched over my legs. "Yeah," I croaked, pulling myself up from the muddy grass. "I guess I am." My voice came out so shaky I could barely comprehend my own words; but that didn't matter.

Nothing mattered anymore - not anything to do with J.D., anyway.

I limped away, stumbling to my car.

My hand slipped twice reaching to open the door. When I sat down and locked myself in, my head fell into my hands.

"I shouldn't be driving." I whispered to myself. "I shouldn't...I can't leave him here."

I opened my door and stumbled back to him - he was closer now - and I winced as the pressure on my legs increased. "Jason Dean," I whispered, hushed, "Come on, you can't be here alone."

He smiled weakly at me, lips quivering. Reluctantly, I reached out my hand to help him up. That smile could shatter a girl's soul.

I helped him to my car, his arm slung around my shoulder. It was funny, to me, how he could be so psychotic and still try not to put too much pressure on me while I carried him.

Once in the car, I didn't take him home - I couldn't.

I turned into the hospital parking lot and parked my car, helped him out, and together - together felt sweet...could Jason Dean ever be sweet again? - we limped inside.

He was barely conscious. Being drunk and high and injured wasn't a good match for J.D. His face was covered in mud. There were gashes deep in his legs, tracking blood along with him as he limped.

My hair was a matted mess and my nose was bleeding. My clothes were ripped - my socks, almost to shreds - and I lost my blazer. There are cuts all over my body and something else is wrong with my body, I just don't know what.

The lady at the front desk gasped when she saw us and covered her mouth - called for a nurse, I think. I couldn't hear anything she said - the ringing in my ears was so loud.

Next thing I knew, we were both in a hospital room. I didn't realize that I was bleeding out, but, I was. Little cuts and scrapes were more like gashes and stab wounds. I was bleeding out far worse than Jason Dean ever was.

I tried to sit up - I cried out in pain and fell onto my back. Jason jolted upwards - worried - and fell back too.

We laughed softly. It hurt my chest and my heart - it had been splintered far too much.

The events of the night slowly came back to me, my head reeling. Jason Dean had a beer bottle. Jason Dean smashed it over my head. He cut me. He hit me.

I hit back.

Apparently, the Heathers were there too. They were sober, and they were trying to stop J.D, but he was too strong. He was always too strong.

Jason Dean broke Heather McNamara's fucking leg.

I tried to sit up again. I winced loudly, putting all my weight onto myself to sit up. I screamed, and Jason Dean broke into laughter. I sweared at him, hauling a glass of water at him, and flipped him off.

"I need an Ibuprofen," J.D. hissed, lifting himself out of bed and - uncharacteristically - took my now empty glass of water.

He found himself Ibuprofen after searching the cabinets, and refilled my water, placing it on the table next to my bed.

Jason Dean took a deep breath and sat on the side of my bed, tentatively reaching for my hand.

And, tentatively, I took his. He squeezed softly and I began to weep - so much could be said without anything really being said.

"Veronica, I'm so sorry..."

Somehow, after he broke a beer-bottle over my head - for reasons I can't remember yet - I still manage to forgive him.

I'm intoxicated by Jason Dean.

He is intoxicated by me - he reminds me every day.

"J.D, you -"

"Ronnie, I know. But I was drunk, baby, please..."

"Jason Dean, why? Why did you do it?"

"I can't tell you, Ronnie."

"Jason, please."

J.D. sighed, moving to sit next to me, and pulling me into his lap. He nuzzled his head into my neck and pressed soft kisses against it.

I was so limp, so tender - this felt right. It felt good.

"You told me you wanted to break up with me, Veronica. You told me I was insane."

I froze. That was true - the night before, I had told him to back off. To leave me alone. That we were over.

And that was when he did it. I thought that he was just trying to block it out - everything I was saying - but with the final sip of beer, he had hauled the beer bottle at my head.

"J.D., why?" I croaked again, my head lolling back against his shoulder.

"I can't live without you, Veronica," He sighed, and I could hear the quietest laugh in his voice. "One day, baby, you'll be Mrs. Jason Dean."

Shivers had run down my spine, and with that, the world went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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