(𝟭) 𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗯𝗶𝘁

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'I hate my life and I hate you 'HA! Like I give a fuck, I only exist to make you suffer,' piss off.' "Good morning (Name), have you had any sleep?" You shake your head. Sensei brushed his beard with his hand, "hmm, I apologize but... it's your turn to make dinner. Me and Nya are leaving, I entrust you and the boys will not cause trouble. The four are currently doing chores, go and help them out," You groan, earning a playful glare. You get up and bid your goodbyes to Nya and Sensei.

You lean against the door of the ninjas' room, "So? Are we going to do the chores or not?"

"If you want to, we're not stopping you," you shake your head,

"I'm just here to help, not do it alone, flame-brain. And anyways my burns still need to heal," You glare at Kai. You walk up to him, put him in a headlock and ruffle his hair.

"Hey! Don't touch my hair! You know what, don't even try to run. Nobody gets away with messing up my hair!" He grabbed you playfully and begun tickling you. You burst out laughing,

"Ha-ha! Hey, *laugh* s-stop that!" You clutched your stomach, failing to keep your posture.

"Pah-ha! Look whose warming up! To their 'enemy' no less!" The feeling of hands ceased as you turned to face Cole, Jay and Zane. It was their turn to start laughing.

"I mean, if you look at how the position they're in, it's more of 'enemies to lovers' then 'enemies to friends', " Jay doubled over laughing falling over, on the ground. The two of you were on the ground, Kai pinning you down, hands on either side of your stomach. Kai blushed furiously getting up, you did too but it was concealed by your mask. 'hmm...' Don't. Say. A. word.' You get up and storm to your room, hearing faint sentences from the 4 like, 'Did we do something?' and 'I don't know, they're just like that. I'll try talking to them later.'

'Ha! Good luck, Cole.' You were not ready to have somebody barging in your room and speaking to you. You flopped onto your bed not wanting to see the ninja. 'Hello there,' please just let me sleep, 'No, fuck you.' Fuck you too.' The thoughts were more painful, you held your held and groaned in pain. "Uhh, (Name), are you alright?"

"Leave me alone, I'm fine," You growl at him.

"If it's about the Kai thing, I'm sorry about that. You two were just getting along and we were savouring the moment. Not trying to embarrass you, we were probably trying to embarrass Kai." You groan even louder as the voices matched your volume.

"No, it's not that. I found that kinda' funny. Do you really want the explanation?" He nodded expectingly, "I was born into a wealthy family, being raised prestigiously. At the age of 3, my parents realised that I inherited my grandma's powers. The powers skipped a generation. She had the element of chaos, but my parents would have rather had the power for themselves," The memorise flash through your mind.

"We could have had that power for ourselves but you, you just HAD to pop out! And since you're a CHILD you have no idea how hard we have worked to get where we are, we could have used your power to get to this point without all the work. Now that you have an 'amazing' destiny, we want a piece of that! We're your parents, we worked hard to get you here, we'd take you out of it if we didn't need you..." You stare at your parents, horror washed over your face. "We don't want you here until you know how to control your powers. Now GO! You know how to read and write; you should be fine. Go pack up and leave,"

"But- but, I'm only three! I don't wanna leave! Please, I wanna stay!" You held onto your mother, begging to stay, but she pushed you off of her. You sobbed and cried, not wanting to leave but you were escorted out of the living room. So, you decided, that they wouldn't budge, you packed up your belonging, taking as much as you could.

"Oh, I'm not sure how to respond to that. Come here," he approached you with his arms out, feeling tired, you just accepted it. 'Cuddles are nice, I guess, 'Oh? Soft (Name), that's a rare sight.' I'm going to be the death of you.' "Hey, are you good at cooking?" You nod, since you had to learn at a young age, but not able to reach Zane's level, "Great! Maybe you could give me lessons? Since people don't like my cooking, you'll probably help. Would that be okay?" You sit up,

"Sure, I don't mind," Jay called for Cole, "But maybe later, your buddies are calling you. I'm cooking dinner anyways; you can taste my food yourself.

"Right, see you, (Name)!" He ran toward his friends. You then collapsed on your bed, 'I'll let you sleep as long as I get to say whatever I want when you wake' Deal, now let me sleep.' You hear the voice's low chuckle before drifting to sleep.

꧁Embodiment of chaos꧂ (𝗥𝗘-𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚!!!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя