Chapter Three

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I sighed heavily as I looked toward the bright blue sky. It had to have been at least a few hours since I walked away from Ciel. The sun was no longer over head and was descending into the west. Slowly, at least, giving me time before I had to be back in the manor and be ever closer to my husband.

I sighed heavier. Husband. The word still seemed foreign to me. I still saw Ciel as my best friend, boyfriend, lover, but husband didn't seem to fit quite yet. Not even when we said "I do" back a hundred years before. I raised my left hand, looking at the white diamond ring that I've worn for a hundred years. It hasn't faded, worn down, nothing like a normal diamond would. The silver ring gleamed in the remaining day's light. The diamond sparkled, leaving tiny spectrums around me. Originally, back a hundred years ago, I wore Ciel's blue diamond ring that he treasured, but that soon changed when he found me the perfect, simple ring that he claimed fit  me "better than some blue diamond with the past reflecting in it." His words not mine.

I dropped my hand, feeling the grass beneath my palms. Hard to believe I've looked seventeen since 1893. I've gotten so used to the look I've given myself. I didn't look like the Selena Midford that left here at the request of Earl Ciel Phantomhive; well, former Earl. I certainly don't look like a wife either. Ciel's mentioned that after he growled himself into silence after more than a few guys have checked me out in some public place. Not that I noticed.

"I knew I would find you out here," a voice said as I heard his steps walk to me. I didn't bother to look like I normally would have. "Hard to believe you were once a lady of noble blood."

"Hard to believe you were an Earl," I retorted back, still not bothering with looking at him. I was forced to look at him when he leaned over and blocked the sky with his silky, dark hair, showing me his face. "Besides, I haven't been a Lady of nobility since 1889."

He chuckled. "Don't I know it."

I cast my gaze somewhere else. As far as I was concerned, he was there to further our argument. Ciel moved his face from my light, letting me look back to the sky. He sighed a little as he sat in the grass in his black pants and his white shirt, something he's grown accustomed to wearing. "I came out here to talk to you, Selena."

Great, now the little demon gains a conscience.

I didn't say anything, or even move, causing him to sigh heavily. "Listen, I don't care if you give me the cold shoulder or anything like it, but I want to tell you this before we both do something we'll regret." Alright, he had my attention. "Selena, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you angry. I just...I just want you happy." I fought the snort of disbelief festering within me. "How about this: tonight, we go out? You know, see London again just the two of us? I know you want to."

Damn, he knows me so well.

I let a small smile slip. "Fine. Let's go see London."

Ciel smiled and held out his hand to get me up from the grass. I took his hand and shifted my weight as I got up, leaning against him for support until I could untangle my feet so I wouldn't trip. I'm probably the most human-like demon whoever existed. I looked up and saw his face, his eyes that I could still see that sparkling blue like when he was human, now they're maroon, like mine and Sebastian's. I felt his arms wrapped around mine.

"I knew you would see it my way, Selena," he said.

I pushed myself off him, letting him know he was still staking on thin ice. I walked inside and headed toward where my clothes were. It wasn't every day that I got to dress up for anything. Normally I would wear dark, faded jeans, or capris rolled up to my knees, and my top would be black or something dark. Now, I just wanted to change out of the normal. It wasn't long after I had walked back into the manor that I heard Ciel follow me. I grabbed a few clothes and walked into a room, locking the door behind me so Ciel wouldn't walk in on me.

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