♻️ [ ] New year new routine new session; I walked in t

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[  ]    New year new  routine  new session;

I  walked in the class   similar faces but not familiar.  I with abstract face entering the class, students became very quiet.
They were tensed about the  reactions of the teacher.
All were in the class except  two eloped characters.  We both were toiling to be normal.
But by nature ,I don't know to cool myself quickly.
Still in the nature.
This was there because of many reasons.
First of all 
I lost all the faith because I believed these students  blindly.
They played  a great hide and seek game ignoring the serious consequences of the world.
Second part,
All the blames were on me..
One scarscastic statement given by the collegue  " the students should be controlled by the class teacher and if   she doesn't care  the teenagers will elope .".

With such question mark on my back
I was inside the class.
I could not understand my temperament while teaching them.
Few students  took time but adjusted.
Some ignored my lessons  others didn't care.

Because of least interactions ,the class became boring and that affected  everyone

Bunny hated me like anything.
He never took interest in my subjects but his hatred increasd  day by day ,months after months.
I always tried my best to pull him towards the subject.
But it is said that  once in mind     that hatred will never be cleared  in his life time.
According to him, I purposely failed him.
He could not understand what I taught in the class.
What conspiracy  kept revolving inside him
I could not find till date.
I had to follow the instructions given by the authority.
I was a big bang theory played by everyone who wanted.

Whatever tried but he never passed in my subjects.
He was very good in English and arts .
Mam was impressed by him.
Her raised eyes 👀 was  always on me .
Enquires  were taken .
Faults were in me and my ways.
During his pre board  He failed  .
He hated it so much because he was totally involved in extra activity engaged in fancy attire with his classmate.
But faulty measurements in the teacher and her subjects.

The ridges became so wide that till date, reality is not clear.
So last date ,I scolded and warned him about his career.
He got furious and in anger thrown his progress report  within the campus and went off.
Today  I  feel that the psychology of the child swings and revolves that difficult to cope the strands of the swings.

That state of mind  still blowing in his mind. Till now he couldn't get out of that reality. When ever he gets a chance, he pours out his anxiety towards me directly or indirectly through the social media.
Today   I still think that 🤔  where I went wrong.
Should I  have improved my steps of  tackling his temperament?.
Do I need some medical  /  psychological  course to handle such students.

But  at last I feel that I am a big failure and trying to get some  remedies for my deeds in the future.
But still
Where I went wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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