Hungover Unpacking

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What is that noise? I groan as my deep sleep is disturbed by a loud buzzing noise that won't stop. Wait... my phone! I pop up like a daisy, fumbling for my phone and answering with out even looking at who called.

"Y/n... I facetimed you. Take the phone away from your ear." Danny's voice laughs through the phone at my dumbass.

"Huh? Oh." I looks down at my phone, half awake and in pain now from the screen brightness mixed with the sunlight shining through my windows I havent put curtains or blinds on yet. "You look.................... like Bakugo," I laugh as I realize they're at the con already. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Well, it's about 1pm so, 12 hours give or take," Arny's head pops into frome as he speaks, looking like Deku. Aww, they both look cute in their cosplays. 

"How are you all feeling?" I lean back into my dino stuffed animal, unplugging my phone so I can just focus on the one thing: this phone call.

"Actually okay, we all didn't have much of a headache or fatigue. How are you feeling, y/n/n? You look like you had a hardcore sleep," Danny snorts as he asks, knowing I'm a mess in the morning after drinking so much. 

I rub my eyes just from the headache, "I feel like I got thrown out my window... it's too bright in here... how's the con though? You guys having fun?" Honestly, what they're doing might distract me from this hangover long enough so I can get myself coffee. "you better not be doing dumb shit without me, I've got a reputation to uphold. The bad influence is hard to maintain, ya know."

Danny rolls his eyes, "I won't do anything too stupid without my bad luck charm here, don't worry, Y/n/n," he really does look like Bakugo. Weird, he looking like him and everything. Ijust stick my tongue out at him.

"Well, who's Pete cosplaying?" I ask, unaware of the chaos I am missing out on. 

"Icy Hot," Danny answers seriously in a voice like Bakugo's and makes me giggle a bit at the thought of Pete as Todoroki.

"Send me pictures of you all! I wanna see what you all did cosplay-wise," I slowly get myself off the couch to get flip flops on. 

"Okay-" Danny gets interrupted by Arny.

"Where are you going?" 

"Um, going to walk to Dunkin Donuts for coffee? I don't have any food or coffee stuff unpacked yet, ya little nosey broccoli." I grab some sunglasses to wear before grabbing my keys and waddling out to the elevator.

"Are you okay to walk there?" Danny gives Arny the phone, probably because his arm was getting tired. "You need to just chill and rest."

"I'm hungover, not crippled," I joke to Arny... he doesn't seem very amused so I sigh and answer genuinely, "yes, I'm ok to walk there. If I couldn't I'd just doordash or grubhub it. I need this coffee to function for unpacking today." I give a mildly pained smile with a little thumbs up.

He seems to accept this and hands Danny back the phone, saying something I can't really hear and I kind of just don't care since coffee is more important right now. 

"So, the game plan for after the con is just going back to the hotel to get changed then going to your new place to help you unpack. Brandon has a live he had planned so he's staying at the hotel with Will. Pete, Arny, and I will be there around like 7? We'll bring you food-" I go to try and tell him he doesn't have to, but he talks louder so I can't argue, "and you're gonna eat our food we give you without paying us back. You bought pizza so we're paying you back with food and manual labor." 

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