ੈ✩‧₊˚Chapter 22

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Woojin clenches his fists tightly before he advances towards Daniel, his option of trying to fight Vasco or Zack were not ones he would like to pick because they could beat him up and further humiliate him and hurt his pride, so he went for Daniel who didn't seem to be doing anything than just standing there and looking pretty, 'I'll beat this coward up!' Woojin thought to himself.

Daniel nervously stood there, not wanting to move because Mira and Yui were behind him, not wanting them to get hurt, so he dodges swiftly when Woojin goes to punch him straight on his face, 'So he can dodge, but now he's trapped!' Woojin smiles as he gets ready to land another punch on Daniel and actually hit him this time but was stopped when Daniel punched him, making him take a few steps back and went flying when Daniel landed a hook punch on his abdomen and was promptly punched in the face.

"Go Daniel!" Y/n cheers as they jump up and down while they held onto a passed out guy by his collar, While Woojin layed on the floor as Haeri shook him to make sure he was still awake and not passed out, grasping his hand in hers, "Hey you, Take care of your girl since love is not something you should exploit." Vasco says, his eyes not leaving how Haeri held Woojin's hand and looked at his injuries, this action bringing a tear down his cheek.


"Don't worry Vasco!" Y/n suddenly stand by his side and tries to wrap an arm around his shoulder but he was a bit taller than so they just awkwardly pat his back, "You'll find the one someday! Heck they might even be closer than you think!" Y/n says as they pat his back again for some sort of comfort, Vasco just nods as he stares down a the (h/c) haired teen.

And just like that, the craigslist incident ended just like that.

While they walked away Y/n pulled Daniel to the side, "You did really great, but I've never seen you use that move before.. Wasn't that the one Zack taught your other body when we went drinking?" Y/n asked as they wiped the blood from their nose as they look at Daniel, "Yeah.. It was, I used it in my other body but my arms were too short to reach that person back then." Daniel says as he remembers the time he tried to defend Zoe and Y/n from Gangnam Lord, "Hey, you tried and it matters because you did your best to defend us." Y/n says as they lightly punch Daniel's arm.

"You were good out there too, with the trashcan and punching." Daniel laughs lightly as he makes small punching gestures, Y/n snorts before shaking their head, "Let's go, we're falling behind." They say as they adjust their backpack and walk by Daniel's side, oblivious to the stare of someone else.

-- Next day

"Oooo, you're quitting smoking Jay?" Y/n asks as they sit on the chair in front of Jay's desk, He nods as he smiles silently having a conversation with the (h/c) headed teen, "Well, if you want to know some other coping mechanisms just let me know!" Y/n says as they point to their chest.

It was another normal day in Jae Won Highschool, indifferent from what had happened the other day like nothing had happened but from the shoes Zack were currently wearing he had at least gotten the shoes he wanted.

"Hey Zack, want to test-prep together?" Yui asks Zack as she approaches his table, "No thanks, I don't study." Zack dismisses her and urges Daniel to fight him in a boxing ring, with what Yui said this made Daniel remember that the mid-terms were closely approaching.

'Ah! It slipped my mind that mid-terms were close and I haven't even opened a book to study!'

Mid-terms were fastly approaching.

"Oh yeah! Mid-terms, I'm definitely going to fail." Y/n says as they draw a circle on the piece of paper that was on Jay's paper, somehow now playing tic-tac-toe with him and it was obvious who had the lead and who was losing...It was Jay, Jay has about 4 wins while Y/n only has one.

"Shut up, you probably already studied in advance because you can't handle doing the punishment your Dad gives you if you fail exams." Zack says as he tries to balance his pen between his lips and nose, "Hey! I just hate doing manual labor!" They exclaim.

Short chapter:P

Anyways, I hope todays chapter doesn't seem really rushed because I need to do a ton of stuff like doing my missed works and doing actual work that's due😭 (Ik I'm an irresponsible student, but just this quarter! I swear I am a good student😭😭)

Have meme.

Have meme

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