1. Psychodrama

650 9 2

Pairing: Hotch/Morgan (M/M) hand, paddle

Quantico, Virginia,

Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU)

Federal Bureau of Investigation

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth." – Oscar Wilde

The BAU team gathered around the black round table for the debriefing of their latest case.

As J.J., wearing a blue top that matched her eyes, dispensed addition photographs to the team, she said, "Over the past two months, the
L.A. Field office has been tracking a series of four bank robberies in the L.A. Metro area. It's one individual wearing a black ski mask. He's highly skilled. It's his unique M.O. that put him squarely in our court.This happened two days ago."

J.J. had the usual video footage of the crime displayed on the screen for the team to view. It shows a bank robber forcing patrons to disrobe as a bloody security guard stared blankly into space, almost dead. It was maybe too late for him.

Aaron Hotchner, the Supervisory Special Agent and Unit Chief of the BAU, stiffly noticed, "He's making them undress?"

J.J. gave a grave nod and responded, "He takes their clothes and locks them in the vault, then he goes for the cash."

Derek Morgan was seemingly impressed by the unsub's, or unidentified suspect's, technique. He added, "Smart. Nobody's going to run
after him butt naked."

Dr. Spencer Reid, the youngest and in his mind, smartest, member of the team, began to chuckle at word "butt." Derek smirked and shook his head at Reid's silliness. Reid then straightened up and followed with the observation that that this was also a psychological advantage.

Spencer went on, "...Make the captives feel exposed, intimidated, and much
less likely to fight back."

Spencer went back to his grinning while Derek mentioned that a Mac 10 was a lot of fire power. Spencer made some shooting noises and motions with his hand. Bang! Bang. Derek subtly gave the boy, that he considered his little brother, a soft kick under the table. They were always getting into trouble for cutting up at the briefings, and both boys were easily bored by dull talk. But Aaron Hotchner, the supervisor of the team, missed nothing. He gave both boys a silent reprimand to stop fooling around and pay attention. He had told them that there was a time and place for joking around and it was never the debriefing. Aaron was getting sick of them making J.J.'s job harder. It was disrespectful and immature.

Reid tried to flick Derek's ear but he easily evaded him and let out a short laugh.

J.J., used to their antics that were becoming a habit, rolled her eyes and went back to answer another important question. Emily Prentiss, the newest member of the team, wondered why this was a BAU case, after all, they only took cases of a serial and/or extremely violent nature.

J.J. swallowed, this was always the hardest part. But this was the job. This is how they saved people.

"Because in the last robbery, two things changed. One, he beat the security guard nearly senseless, and two, after he made everyone undress, he forced two pairs of victims together at gunpoint, then he made them simulate sex with each other," J.J. informed the assembled agents.

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