7. Lauren

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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Derek Morgan (M/M) wooden spoon, hand

Plot created by Elenalovly.

This scene takes place during Season 6, Episodes 1/18.

"The secret to getting away with lying is believing with all your heart. That goes for lying to yourself even more so than lying to another."

-Elizabeth Bear

Quantico, Virginia,

Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU)

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Briefing Room

Derek Morgan ran a hand over his close shaven face to hide a grin.

"So she really boned Doyle, huh? Taking the job a bit too seriously as usual...," Derek smirked. "I mean, we all take home our work, but Emily took things a little too far. Musta been Doyle's fancy accent!"

"Derek Morgan!" Penelope Garcia hissed, her colorful cat earring swaying with the shake of her blonde head. "Stop it right now. I won't stand for anyone saying anything about our Emily. Or lying about her!"

Derek watched as Penelope tried to organize the files, she was off her game today and had snapped at him first thing in the morning. Everyone was so on edge lately.

"Baby Girl, chill. I wasn't lying. I wish I was, though. I was just a little surprised that she, you know, banged an IRA guy. I just didn't think she was that type of...undercover agent," Derek argued.

Garcia's eyes narrowed beneath her pink horn-rimmed glasses.

"Don't you tell me to chill!" Garcia snapped. "Emily Prentiss is one of the best people I know. She had her reasons, I'm sure. Now, did everyone get a file?"

Penelope distributed the updated file folders for their latest case, The Prince of Darkness, the despicable, Billy Flynn. He had murdered a cop and taken his young daughter as he fled the scene.

BAU Unit Chief & Co-Communications Liaison Aaron Hotchner was typing frantically on his computer, as Reid and Rossi were discussing something quietly on the other side of the round table.

Derek rolled his eyes at Garcia. She had her usual bright colored clothing on, but with Emily gone, she had also been in a dark and somber mood.

"I love Emily, too. I just didn't think she would screw someone from the IRA, an arms dealer. I mean, did you?" Derek went on.

Garcia's face grew pink and she pointed her fluffy pen at Derek.
"Don't you dare slut-shame her again! You hear," Garcia growled, on the verge of tears and really to throw her herbal tea in Derek's handsome face.

With this, Rossi, Reid, and Hotch looked up.

"What's going on?" Hotchner asked, his voice serious.

"Nothing, man," Derek said, waving him off. "Penelope is just being a little sensitive about Emily's sexual misconduct on the job."

Hotch's eye brow twitched in irritation.

"Emily's past is none of your concern. We all miss her, but we have a little girl who is missing. Now, let's get started," Aaron said firmly.

"Fine. Yell at me. I'm not the one who fucked a...criminal," Derek muttered, under his breath. "If she hadn't, she'd be here with us now."

Rossi's dark eyes honed in on Derek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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