Chapter 1

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„Come on Robbie! Don't want to let Kingsly wait do we "Nymphadora yelled across the hallways of Hogwarts. „Of course, not „Robbie answered. As he ran up the stairs, out of the Slytherin common room. „It's going to be weird; you know? Out of Hogwarts and into the real world „the boy mumbled. „I know, but I'm sure it's gonna be amazing!" The girl giggled and then just ran off in direction of the front door leafing the 17 year old alone in the corridor. Slowly he started to follow her, Dora was a wildcard, she knew exactly what she wanted and what not. A job as an Auror, a little apartment, a relationship a later marriage with kids. She already had her whole life planned. But not Robbie, he wasn't sure what or who he wanted to be, Auror would be cool, but he also loved magical creatures and had a fascination for plants. „Come on you over thinker" Dora's voice came along the corridors „Goodbye Hogwarts" Were the last words the boy spoke before turning around and leafing for the train.

Now 5 years later Robbie Blake sat at his desk in the ministry, in the Auror department and tried to understand the use of this stupid stack of paper Infront of him. All about one thing, the „plotter" The name the minister gave to Harry Potter after he told him that Voldemort was back. What honestly could really be, people vanishing, the number of attacks from the Moonlight-Pack had grown again and especially Potter wouldn't make something like this up. But he didn't have a say in this, this was high rank business, and he wasn't high rank. "Blake!" shouted a voice coming towards him "Yes Mad Eye?" he asks looking at the old Auror Infront of him "You were supposed to be done with all of this two days ago!" the screaming went on "Yeah, yeah I know" Robbie answered biting back a rude comment. Robbie hated paperwork, even more that he hated that stupid bitch of a woman Umbrich, who though just because the minister got her a job at Hogwarts that she is something special. "You know what, just take this list and get me everything on it in diagonally" Mad eye crashed the piece of paper onto the desk, took the files from it and left. Robbie signed, he hated this stupid office job, he was an Auror! He should be out there fighting against death eaters and protecting magical England, not sit in an office and look through documents. "Diagonally" he said as he let the floopowder fall and teleported to Florish and Blots. On the list were some books about werewolf's, potion ingredients and a new broom. He got money from one of the other Aurors to get the stuff. First, he searched for the book "The history of Werewolf's", after he got that he also bought "How to tell if someone is a Werewolf" and "Werewolf's a danger for our world". Next up were the ingredients. Dragon scales, snape teeth, lizard blood and a whole bowl of bug wings, disgusting if Robbie would have been asked. The Firebolt was really an expensive little thing, but well, quality had its price.

"Ah, perfect all the stuff we need" Kingsly said to Robbie when he arrived back at the ministry and instantly grabbed the broom. "What a beauty!" the man seemed to have already forgotten that there was someone else in the room, so Robbie just left, when Kingsly had a new broom in his hands there was no world around him anymore, at least not for him.

Arriving back at his apartment Robbie threw himself onto the bed and nearly instantly slept in. But not for long. In the middle of the night, he suddenly jolted up, he could have sworn he just heard someone's steps before the door. Slowly he stood up, grabbing his wand from the side desk next to his bed and carefully, not to make loud noises, walked to the door. He pressed his ear against it to listen, nothing. He relaxed again, and almost went back to bed when he heard it again but this time louder and nearer. Robbie was slowly getting a little bit scared, whoever was there surely didn't come in through the front door then that one was locked and the only one expect him who had a kye was Nymphadora, and these steps were surely from a man. As the steps came more and more near Robbie decided that it would be the safest to somehow signalize whoever was out there that someone was awaken. So, he ran into his bathroom and turned the sower up to full power, the steps instantly became faster, and the person started running. Then they were gone, he properly jumped out the window, Robbie's apartment was only on the first floor, so it wasn't too dangerous to do that. After he calmed down a little, he turned the sower off again, slowly stepped out his room and saw, just how he thought, the open window in his living room. He walked towards it and closed it with a silent clickfrom the hinge. Catastrophe prevented.

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