Prey x Predator

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The day Tyler Dream met Walter Leech, the sky was dark and gloomy as if a storm was about to start. Because it was...

Walter Leech, darkly asks, "Aren't you Tyler Dream?" His handsome but devilishly figure was made blacker still in contrast to the light, pouring out. The inside of the mansion looked like the home-like insides of a very appealing beast. Tyler could have swore those grey eyes were red and shining but blinked to find them grey as grey could be.

Tyler Dream, the black cat, gives a friendly smile to Walter Leech, the black vulture.

"I am," Tyler then asks, "And you are?"

His red and black suit made him look all the more fitting to the spooky mansion and it's devilishly handsome owner. Like he belonged to them both and not in the about to rain setting.

Walter Leech says in a darkly flirting tone, "I am your host for tonight, Walter Leech."

Walter Leech opens the door to his spooky mansion. Tyler enters the spooky mansion. The insides of the massive mansion on the hill were like time traveling. It looked so old timey that one would have swore they stepped into black and white film given sudden technicolor. Although the color was mostly red, homely warm browns, and the color of the dying fire.

Tyler says, "Pleasure to be invited." Dream was more warm and comfortable inside. Not very surprising given. It was an inviting place in the same way the light of a deep sea fish may be inviting to its prey. The reds were almost romantic. Yet the carpet being blood red made it just that much more alluring like sleeping in the snow may be to the dying.

Walter Leech says with a smooth but dark voice, "It's a pleasure to have you, I am so alone in this mansion of mine." The words hung in the air like hanging men might. Silently struggling and strangling to death to display the "point" to this needless cruelty. The fact he was alone became depressingly obvious in that brief quiet. Then Walter Leech gets closer, then takes his paw, and kisses it.

Tyler blushes lightly underneath his soft, black fur. He was as if a fly in love with a spider, or a lover of parasites to a leech. Unwilling to leave despite a deep tiny voice screaming for them to escape by any means necessary. Fear and Delight, a thin line. Tyler Dream spoke, "You flatter me."

It begins to rain. It was light at first then grew heavy quickly. The rain then became an aesthetic and musical experience. The sound was soothing, perfect to listen to sad songs of pining and longing of lovers or simply to read a book to. Walter noted, "Ah, what a dark and gloomy night. So inappropriate to meet a darling like you."

"But it's a nice excuse to stay inside with you," Tyler flirted as he held onto Walter's wing, giving a sweet smirk. The black tinted lense monocle shone in the low light then framed the eye in shade. The shade of the black top hat wasn't enough even with the shade of the monocle to hide his eyes. They seemed red for a moment. Shining and shiny like the eyes of a predator. Leech chuckles, "Oh my my my, how fast you are."

The Leech pulls him in slowly and asks, "What sent you out into this night so cold?" His red under shirt is darker than Tyler's red suit jacket. Blood red to compare the candy red. The old vulture's red eyes looked hungry on the body before him. The young man didn't seem to mind. And yet...

"I just wanted a nice cold walk. Maybe it was fate that made us meet," The feline answers. The corvid holds Tyler's face to the tip of his beak and asks, "Not running from something in your life into my loving arms?" It was as if he was telling a joke. But surely he wasn't. Surely. It was too loving, too romantic, too...

"Not running from anything in particular, but walking to clear out my head," Tyler answers with a smile. He wasn't lying about it either. His words were true yet here he was in the house of a complete stranger. The handsome parasite, almost kissing his nose, asked, "Tell me, do you find me appealing?"

The manipulative cat answers, "I find you both appealing and attractive." His tone is flirtatious and wanting. Drawing in the mass murderer closer. The Handsome Leech wraps his black wings around him and flirts, "You flatter me~♡" There was almost a laugh in his voice at that moment.

Tyler wraps his black-furred arms around Walter and flirts back, "You flattered me~" Walter Leech hugs him with his overly long vulture neck and asks, "Are you shaking in fear or cold, my darling guest?" The question dripped with lust and want and romanticism and hunger and so much more. Something else that wasn't like that. Dream could not put his finger on it.

"Anticipation, my dear host," Tyler Dream answers. They were close. So very close yet so far away. Walter Leech dark flirty chuckling asks, "Oh? Of something lewd?" The chuckle to his voice was dark. A sweet darkest. It swirled and twirled and whirled. Until it ended with a spiral.

Dream explained, "Of all the possibilities with you." Tyler Dream looked into the red colored irises and figured out what that something from before was. His jaw hung open a bit, as if asking for a deeper kiss. Then he shut it and swallowed it. Walter Leech responds in delight like depravity, "Oh You~♡ What a romantic~♡!"

Tyler remarks. "You're being very charming, it's hard not to be." Tyler Dream wanted him so deeply despite not knowing Walter Leech. The two strangers were magnetic to each other. Drawn to each other.

"I'm a charming parasite, aren't I?" Walter asks then picks up Tyler, carrying him. Walter asks, "Wish to share a bed for the night?" They were so close. They wished to be closer. Inside each other deeply. Around each other. The hold was close but not close enough.

"I very much wish for that," Tyler answers as he holds gently onto Walter. He held onto him, almost able to hear his heartbeat. Walter Leech lays him out on the bed, gets on top of him, holds his face gently, and remarks, "I sense something about you, you remind me of my lovely late wife..." There was almost sadeness in his voice.

"I hope that I can bring you some comfort then," Tyler responds while looking up at Walter with his green eyes. Red turned away from his green in shame. He couldn't look at him as he did this. Walter Leech apologizes, "I am sorry for this." Walter goes to bite him and almost does. Tyler rubs Walter's wing softly. Tyler responds. "It's okay..."

Walter Leech backs off and says, "I can't, you break my heart deeply for I want you 💔" His voice wobbled like jello with cherries in it. He still couldn't look at him with all the hunger and lust and wanting inside him."I want you too," Tyler adds."And yet my want will eat you alive..." Walter Leech expresses. Tyler expresses, "I just met you but I trust you."

Walter Leech flirts, "Oh how sweet you are~♡" The handsome demon came to look at him now. "You are even sweeter," Tyler flirts back. Walter Leech in his always smooth but dark and deep voice, "A darker shade of sweet, I promise." Walter kisses Tyler's pink nose. Tyler softly kisses Walter's mouth. Walter Leech kisses back, then pulls back and apologizes, "I apologize, I fear your taste will send me into a madden lust."

"Then I will just enjoy your company," Tyler responds and holds Walter gently. Walter Leech takes off his clothes until he is in his black bleeding heart patterned boxers. Tyler removes his red suit jacket, black undershirt, and red suit pants. Tyler is left in his red cotton bikini-cut underwear."I am sorry that I must be nude before you, I forgot to get my sleep wear," Walter Leech apologizes. Tyler Dream responds, "You have nothing to be sorry for, I find you attractive like this."

"That's the problem..." Walter spoke in an angsty but in a handsome way, "I'm so tempting to you, surely." As he was playing up his masculine beauty. His eyes half closed in that way that showed his eyelashes. The black vulture stood on his knees and posed a bit. Clearly playing it up. How hammy. "Tempting yes, but I promise to be on my best behavior," Tyler promises and gently rubs a paw down Walter's chest.

Walter Leech cuddling him closely whispers, "♡~Sweetest dreams, my night delight~♡" Tyler cuddles Walter. They laid upon another. The two were so close but not close enough. They weren't inside each other. Tyler whispers back, "♡~Good night, my darkest delight~♡"

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