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Buddy Pal Friendly requested sweetly, "Come with me?" His tongue hanging out slightly. Tyler comes up to Buddy. Tyler Dream spoke in an answer yet in a questioning tone, "Yes?" Suddenly he appeared, Walter Leech spoke up darkly, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you are staying with me, Tyler Dream."

Tyler looks between the twelve foot buff yellow dog and the handsome black vulture. Tyler asks Walter, "But can I stay with Buddy for a while?"

Buddy Pal Friendly bounces slightly and requests innocently, "We wouldn't be out too long." Tyler could smell Buddy's sweet, sugary, candy smell.

Unfortunately he could smell the manly cologne of Walter Leech and his smell of death too. Tyler pleads to Walter, "I'll be back soon."

Walter Leech is grumbling in mild rage. Walter huffed in a puff, "You are so manipulative, my darkest delight..."

Tyler apologizes, "I'm sorry, I just want to spend some time with our new partner."

Walter responds upset, "I'll allow but be here before sunset."

Tyler responds excitedly, "I will."

Buddy Pal Friendly excitedly suggests to Tyler, "Let's go to the carnival!"

Tyler Dream tells Buddy, "That sounds like a great idea."

Buddy Pal Friendly asks, "Want me to carry you?"

"Sure..." Tyler responds and blushes lightly.

Buddy Pal Friendly picks him up, Tyler holds onto Buddy gently. Walter Leech is watching them in the background bitterly. Tyler nuzzles up close to Buddy's chest and says, "I'm ready."

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