II : Stranger

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Pat pat.

A grumble floated from the covers as I rolled over to my side, trying to ignore Simon's shenanigans this early in the morning. An annoyed meow followed my actions, with a groan, I sat up and glared at Simon. "What do you want?" I muttered tiredly. He only meowed and waved his tail in response. Glancing outside my window, I realized it was still pitch black, the stars faded across the night sky. It was, however, slightly lighter blue, indicating it was very early in the morning. Not at all a good time to be woken up, but alas, I had to tend to the cat beside me.

After a few moments, he hopped off the bed, finding his way to the door and scratching the wood. Not wanting any more marks on the door, I whipped away the blankets and hurried to the cat, opening the door for him. He immediately bounded towards the forest, leading me away from the safety and comfort of my home in the middle of the night. The sun had barely reached the edge of the horizon; not even birds were up. The forest was almost silent, if not for the wind disturbing the trees and grass. I sauntered after him, my eyelids drooping as I gazed at the darkened town.

	I woke up from the sound of a night critter hopping off my head and onto my legs before disappearing

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I woke up from the sound of a night critter hopping off my head and onto my legs before disappearing. I couldn't tell what it was; all I knew was that I was incredibly tired, and hungry. I slowly stood up and trudged towards the cottage I saw earlier, dripping blue slime underneath me at every step I took, caused by the fact that I just woke up.

I soon found my way to the cottage, which appeared empty and quiet. I liked it when it was quiet from what I could remember, so it was enough for me to finish sleeping. I slowly opened the door to the cottage to see a small living room with a leather couch, a perfectly wooden table, and a beautiful carpet underneath. It was humble yet beautiful. It reminded me of a home I had long forgotten... I stumbled out of the doorway and glanced around. I didn't know if anyone owned the house and was frankly not ready to meet someone face-to-face. Instead of entering the cottage, I decided to go around towards the back, maybe I could find another shelter to sleep in from there.

I soon found myself at the entrance of an underground room. I stepped down the stairs, making sure I was quiet. I wasn't aware of it at the time, but from the darkness outside, I could tell it was very late as I walked down. Every step I took left a trail of blue slime behind me. Inside, the room was damp and the ground was moldy, as if it hadn't been entered in a long time. Cracks were along the stone floor and I could hear bugs skittering within the room. The cottage foundation above me was starting to grow moss, but was solid enough to last a long time in the current state it was at. There were boxes sitting in the room hap-hazardly, making it an easy place to hide. I hid behind some of the boxes and got myself as comfortable as I could. It was cooler than outside, but the damp air did not help. Even so, I soon found myself falling asleep in the quiet atmosphere of the room.

 Even so, I soon found myself falling asleep in the quiet atmosphere of the room

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Simon ended up leading me to a tree at the edge of the forest. It seemed normal except for overgrown bushes surrounding it. I was on the verge of turning back to my beloved rest, until I noticed a strange substance on the bark and around the leaves. It seemed like the soft color of the sky during a peaceful spring morning. I hesitantly touched the material and grimaced. The white cat beside me stared at the tree, almost in shock at our find.

"I'm too tired for this," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes with my clean hand and wiping the slime back onto the tree. This issue could wait for another day. When I turned back to where us two had come from, I froze.

The very same goo trailed back to my home.

My eyes widened as I carefully followed the line towards my door, realizing it was closed shut. I wasn't sure if I left it open or not, but I sure as hell didn't leave behind this strange trail on the ground. Simon flicked his tail, stepping away from the door and finding his way to the back. Confused, I continued after him, realizing it led to-

The basement cellar?

Carefully, I tip-toed over to the cellar, making my way down the stairs and stopping as I caught sight of even more slime, trailing deeper and deeper into the cellar. Beginning to worry, I stepped towards the back of my storage system. Then I saw it.

A creature.

A strange blue creature - no doubt made of the same material as the slime I found - seated behind the boxes. My heart pounded in my chest as I stumbled backwards, falling to the ground in shock. My eyes went wide and I trembled. So I ran - up the steps, tripping a few times and lightly injuring my ankle, before slamming the doors shut and locking them tightly. I didn't know what it was, and how it came to my basement of all places, but only one thing ran through my mind.

It was the reason the villagers were hiding away.

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