Chapter 16- Forgive him?

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          On Monday I was moved to the 300L student’s class. I was told that if I did well, I’d join the final year class in the second semester. I missed being in the same class with my friends and I had to make new ones in my new class though most of them were jealous. They were like I caught up with them and will soon leave them behind to become their senior. Even the girls were bitchy and I didn’t give a damn. I’m here to learn not snatch your crushes or boyfriends, for Pete’s sake.

I saw lesser of my friends during school hours but we meet at my house or max’s almost every day and Melissa and Brian forced me teach them what I was being taught in my new class. They are fast learners and that made it easier for me. Throughout the week, I was very busy and barely had time for food. I walked into max at the library on Friday and sat with him.

          “Hey what are you up to?” I said and sat in front of him. He looked very busy and absorbed into whatever he was doing. A building design, I guessed.

“Hey. Your dad told me to design a company with 15 floors and the owner wants it to be heart shaped. I’m almost through, I’m just making sure the dimensions are okay else it’ll collapse. So where are you coming from?” he picked up the calculator beside him and worked out some arithmetic, he wrote it down and looked up at me.

“I’m just coming from class. So heart shaped you said? What kind of company is it?” I wondered what the building will look like, beautiful.

“I don’t know, your dad didn’t tell. Maybe a fashion company. How was class?”

“It was just the usual. Sit alone, no friends like you guys and listen to the teacher. I just want to be out of here in no time. I’d missed you guys though.” I said and ran a hand through my hair. We talked for some minutes and then settled to whatever we wanted to do. He continued with his arithmetic while I read.

               The day came to an end and I drove home. I fumbled for the door key again. It was becoming a habit.

“Lost your key?” I stumbled backwards frightened but his hands held me. Currents that I’ve locked up in me flowed out. Damn!

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Ed said as he released me.

“What do you want?” I said as I got the key and opened the door. I gestured him to come inside and saw the look of surprise on his face. I have to just see him as an old friend if I want to live a normal life.

“You haven’t answered my question, what do you want?”

“Uhm – I want to tell you I’d be travelling tomorrow and I want to leave my keys with you. If that’s okay with you.” He stood by the door and I told him to sit.

“Okay so where are you going and when will you be back for your keys?” I was going to miss him. I felt like he was leaving me again. Damn, when did I start feeling this way?

“I’m travelling to Australia, that’s where I’ve been all this while. There’s an important meeting I have to attend there and I might not be back until next week or maybe longer.” I changed my sitting position and sat Indian fashioned.

          “So what kind of business are you into? I’m just curious, you know. It was surprising to see you buy the house and the gift, so I guessed you’re a rich man now.” I removed the ribbon in my hair and let it fall down my back. His eyes trailed its movement and I smirked inside of me. He’d be dying to touch it.

“I’m working with a leather making company in Australia but I want to set up my own business, furniture making, now. I told the company about my intentions and they’re willing to support me and supply the materials I’d need.

There’s a document I have to sign but all our partners must be there cos they have to append their own signatures too. They’re all on their way to Australia now and I don’t want them getting there before me. That wouldn’t speak well of me.”

             “Wow, I knew you’d make it despite what everyone else thought. You’re destined for great height, Ed. I’m so happy for you.” I said sincerely, in fact I’d even forgotten about my anger towards him, I was so glad he made it.

“Thank you, I’m glad you believed in me. I’m sorry for what I did though. It was really stupid and selfish of me. I know that now. Please forgive me, Fiona, please.” He went on his knees and held both my hands. I’d gotten over the rage in me but I didn’t want to forgive him yet.

“Forgive you? You have no idea what you did to me. You had sex with me, broke up with me the next day and disappeared three days after. My parents were livid with anger that I wasn’t a virgin anymore and worse still, I lost it to you. I defended you day and night, fought with my mum and closed out everyone in my life. I wished you were there on graduation day to see how well I’d done. I wanted to take pictures with you holding my awards and prizes and showing the world that our love was pure.” I swallowed hard and avoided his face.

             “I was the topic on everyone’s lip at school. They talked about how you dumped me, left me and took my virginity. It was horrible and Florence was the only who’d stood by me. Evans and belie too. Those people were my life savers. I wanted to die because you left me. After all you’ve put me through you want me forgive you, just like that? I don’t feel like forgiving right now. Just stand up before I tell you get out.” He stood up without any arguments. Tears spilled down my cheeks and I wiped it.

“I’m going to get myself some coffee, want one?” I said as I got up. “Yes please.” He replied and I felt him watching me go into the kitchen. Life isn’t fair, is it?

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