Chapter 26- Teaching my book a lesson.

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            I didn’t see Ed for the next two months but he called almost every day. Every single day without him felt empty and I was lucky I had my friends with me. The project dad was working on had almost been completed, he told me they’ve been told to take their time instead of the two months deadline they gave them at first. Max was given an increase in his salary and dad went as far as promoting him to the post of the Chief Designer! I mean he’s so lucky, whoever holds a post like that, still in university and 300L for that matter when he still has two more years to go?

           Ed told me his company would soon be completed and he can’t wait to see it finished. I can’t wait either. The last one month I would be spending was for the examinations and that would decide if or not I’d leave the school finally. I sat on the carpet beside Brian, slugging it out with a topic in Accounts that was threatening to give me problems. For the first time in my life, I had to read hard and concentrate fully on a book. Damn. “Hey! You’re clenching your fists and sweating.” Max said to me and I looked up to see the others were staring at me already. I felt really dizzy and rushed into the bathroom to wash off the sweat. The exams were really getting me tensed. “Are you okay?” Melissa asked from behind me. “Yeah, I think I am. I don’t want to fail the exams and I don’t seem to be able to read a thing.” I yelled and the guys came rushing into my room.

             “I’m frustrated and damn fed up!” I yelled again. They sat me down on the bed. “Calm down dear, we all know how hard you’ve been reading for these exams. Try and have some rest please.” Brian said and patted my back gently, stroking it. I took in a deep breath, exhaled and relaxed. “Here, Florence wants to speak with you.” Melissa handed me her phone and I frowned. “Oh no!” I moaned. “She’s gonna kick my ass.” I said. Florence would definitely do that if she was with me. “Hello bestie.” I said into the phone. “Don’t bestie me. What is this I heard about you? I was told you’re being frustrated with reading. We never give up or lose, do we?” she said. “No we don’t.” I replied. “Good. Now you’re going to close that fucking book that’s proving stubborn and go relax somewhere, maybe at a club or a pool or even both. Okay?” she said again.

            “Okay.” I said obediently. “Choose one now.” She told me. “The club.” I replied without even thinking of it. I looked at Melissa scornfully and she just smiled. “Okay then, now get into hottie clothes and get that ass to the club. By the time you get back, sleep and tomorrow morning, teach that stupid book a lesson. Tell it, it’s an it and you’re a she, living and superior. Promise?” she said and I wanted to hug her through the phone. She really knew how to make me better. “Promise bestie.” I shouted, gaining my strength from nowhere. “Don’t get drunk, please.” She added. “I won’t. I’m changing right now.” I said, opening my closet and picked a skinny black jeans and a pink, sleeveless turtle neck top.

            “That’s my girl. Hurry and enjoy your life. The next time I’m called to be told you’re getting frustrated with your books, I’m coming down to California to kick your ass and tear the damn book.” I laughed and Melissa and co just exchanged glances. I gestured to them to turn their backs while I change and they did even though they tried sneaking looks. I gave the phone back to Melissa who thanked Florence for cheering me up. “You guys have got girlfriends especially you Brian, your girl is standing right here and you’re trying to do peek – a – boo?” I joked. “No” they said in unison. I got changed and asked them to turn around.

           “I don’t just get how she changes your mind ASAP.” Max said referring to Florence. “We’ve been best friends for as long as I remembered breathing. That’s why.” I smiled at them, grabbed my purse and headed out of the bedroom. “Where to?” Brian called out. “To the club. I’m going to have a nice time and come back to teach that book a lesson.” I yelled back. “That’s the spirit, girl.” Max shouted. We got into our cars and drove off to the club house.

“Wahoo – hoo – hoo!” we shouted as we alighted, throwing our fists into the air and bounced into the club.

****                 *************               **************               *********

              The next morning, I read peacefully and understood perfectly what I couldn’t get the night before. “Gotcha!” I said to my Accounts book and threw it in the air. I could tear it into pieces now, I don’t care. A bit of hangover from the drinks I had at the club still lingered on me but I was in active mode, thanks to my friends and Florence. My phone rang and seeing it was Ed, I picked it on the first ring.

“Hello sweetheart.” He said and my heart did a triple back flip. God! I missed him so damn much.

“Yes love, how was your night?” I said. “It was fine, yours?” he asked. “Splendid. I was at the club till 2am.” I grinned. “Oh, you had a nice night then. Just wanted to tell you the building has been completed and they’ve started fixing the furniture and electrical appliances. After that, they’d paint the exterior. The interior has been painted already.” He said joyously. “Wow! This is good news. I can’t wait to see it. It must be very beautiful.” I said getting up to sit on the sofa.

“Yeah it is. I miss you so damn much I couldn’t wait.” He said. I didn’t understand what he meant. “Couldn’t wait for what?” I asked. The doorbell rang and I wanted to ignore it. “Isn’t that the doorbell?” he asked. “Yeah, hold on, let me get it.” I said and got up to open the door. I opened the door and there he was standing beside his car in my driveway. I screamed with joy and didn’t know when I dropped the phone. I rushed into his arms as he climbed the porch stairs. He kissed my head while I clung to him like he was going to leave again.

         “I miss you so much, I couldn’t wait.” He said again and I understood what he meant earlier. “I missed you too. Every day without you seemed empty.” I said hugging him before pulling him into the house. Our clothes flew in different directions and I pushed him onto the carpet, kissing his body fiercely and he took me the same way. After an hour, we laid in each other’s arm, well spent and satisfied.

           “I love you.” I mumbled. “Me too. Always.” He replied and squeezed my buttocks. I squeezed his balls gently and he groaned. We started kissing again and went on another journey to ecstasy land one more time. He pulled me up and carried me to my bedroom where we slept peacefully in each other’s arms.

End of chappie 26? Oh, that’s right. So, how did you find it? Interesting? It’s not easy writing and typing so please VOMMENT. THANK YOU FOR READING. I’m going to give you guys a brain teaser, here it comes;

I’m half a circle, a circle, half a circle, a circle, and a triangle with the base in between. What am I?

I’m waiting for your answers..... Anyway next chappie... you guys are so lucky, I’m giving you about four chappies at once.


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