12. Consequences

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Angel groaned as she stretched the tension out of her muscles and sat on the cot. A yawn escaped her as she rubbed the grit out of her eyes. As she stared at the floor, from the corner of her left eye, she caught sight of a pair of steel-toed boots on the other side of the bars and tensed.

"It might be dark and super boring down here, but that doesn't mean you get to sleep the days away. Should have used this time to study, work out, train, something. Anything is better than letting your mind and talents go to waste." Her father paused for a few seconds. "Then again, if what Officer Jenny has told me is true, you've been doing so for a long time."

"Hey, sir! Don't be talking down to her like that." Faolan's sleepy voice entered the conversation, and she was thankful that her father chose to ignore the kid.

She opened her mouth to speak, but her father continued. "I don't care what your excuses are for why you joined. You didn't talk it over with me first. And then you lied when you told me you wished to stay away because you experienced the Call."

"I didn't lie about that!" Angel exclaimed as she turned to meet his eyes, only to instantly regret it as she saw the amount of disappointment held within. "When I spoke to you that day, I'd had an epiphany. Things have happened since, and my views have changed. I want to make something of my life. To make the world a better place."

"If I believed you chose it out of morality, it would be worth a cookie. But since I think you did that only because your hand was forced, I won't congratulate you. Seriously, though? Alexandria Nicolai Flamel. Your mother and I raised you better than that."

The usage of her full name caused her to flinch again. Faolan saw and prepared to speak again, but she spoke over him. "I will assume that nothing I say would make you change your mind. So, I must let my actions prove otherwise."

He shook his head. "You got yourself into this mess. Get yourself out."

"Wait!" she cried out as he turned to leave. "Surely you didn't travel all this way just to tell me that and then walk off."

Her father paused but didn't turn to look at her again. "Jenny told me the hidden reason you were arrested. I didn't doubt you were guilty of the accusation. You've always had a fascination with Team Rocket. But I'd hoped, after everything everyone ever told you, that you wouldn't willingly become an Agent. Instead, your reaction when you recognized me told me everything I needed to know. You knowingly, willingly, and deliberately aided them. It's not something I can let slide."

"It was! I thought I could do good with them!"

"Good with them?!" At that, he did turn back to her, and she felt tears burn in her eyes at his outrage. "I create technological advances for all walks of life to improve the world! You should have said something if you weren't content with our accomplishments!"

"That's not what I meant! I—" She fell silent and then sighed. "Never mind. You wouldn't understand."

"And that is exactly why you're in trouble. You chose not to communicate with me." He looked away from her again. "I brought the rest of your Pokémon, just in case you were serious in your desire to start your journey. But I'm of half a mind to keep them from you as part of your punishment. Do me a favor, though, and don't come home until you understand why I'm so disappointed in you."

"Does that mean you don't want me to send you more Shadows?"

With extremely obvious sarcasm, he responded. "Yes. Because that's the type of person I am. I'm mad at you for joining Team Rocket, and I will act just like them and punish innocent Pokémon. Seriously? Don't ask such stupid questions. Goodbye, Alexandria."

Before she could say another word, he walked off. Once they heard the hallway door shut, Faolan spoke. "Well. That was quite rude."

Angel didn't answer. She'd long since stopped trying to explain her father to people. His heart was always in the right place, even if how he went about things seemed a little...much. Despite his occasional outbursts, she knew that he cared for her. Just...Sometimes she wished he could understand how what he said and did negatively affect her. But even if he did, he'd likely say that she needed to do something about it since she was the one with the problem.

They heard the jingle and jangle of keys, and Officer Jenny approached Faolan's cell. As she placed a key in the hole, she spoke, "The charges against you have been dropped. You're free to go."

"Aww. But now I don't want to go. Who's going to keep this lovely lady company?" Faolan somewhat teasingly replied as Jenny held his cell door open.

"Unless you commit another crime, you can't stay. And until the Judge settles on her punishment, she can't leave. If it's that important, I can see if a decision can be made today. Regardless, you still must leave this area."

Faolan nodded and took off, which left just the two of them. Jenny sighed as she closed the door. She then looked down the hallway before she turned around to face Angel. "I didn't want him around for privacy reasons, but your decision came in not long before your father arrived."

She leaped to her feet, crossed the short distance to the door, and wrapped her hands around two bars. "What is it?"

"Since there is no proof of past crimes with Team Rocket other than your word, you cannot be charged for those. Regarding The Swanna, the other person with your hair color has confessed to setting the fire, so you're also clear for that."

"What about what I told you the day I turned myself in?"

"The Judge thought long and hard on that one. And, since you are known for wild imagination and creative stories, you were labeled as someone who cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. Thankfully, you have not been deemed a threat to yourself or others, so there was no need to place you in a Psychic Ward."

"And my punishment?"

"This is the part you might not like. You have been banned from participating in any Trainer Event until you earn enough Integrity Points. This means your every move will be closely watched in Kanto. Try to do only good things with your newfound freedom."

"Oh." Angel fell silent and hung her head as she let her arms fall to her sides. "That's not at all something I would have expected. Seems like way too harsh of a punishment." She gasped. "Does Father know?" Jenny's silence and sad eyes answered that question. "Please tell me I can still be a Gym Leader!" More silence. "Arceus! That's why dad's so mad at me right now. I was supposed to lead the Flamestryke Gym for a few months. Going to assume that's out of the question now."

"Well. Technically, you could, provided you take care of the paperwork. But you would not be able to oversee or participate in a battle. It would not be a legitimately recognized Badge earned by the opponent. I'm sorry, Angel. You chose this on your own, and now you must deal with the consequences."

Finally, Jenny unlocked the cell and let her out. "The person on the other side of the door will check you out. You still have my number, and I will help you however I can. Just—"

"Yeah, I know. So long as it doesn't go against your rules and regulations." Angel couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice and felt so bad that she had to continue, "Not that I'm mad at you. I understand your hands are tied. And I don't want you giving me special treatment or anything just because we're friends. No more covering things up. Even if they're minor infractions." She didn't know what else to say, so after she hugged Jenny, she headed out.

As she looked through her knapsack a few minutes later, she found her father had not only taken the three Pokéballs that held the Shadows but left four of her signature balls. They were red and gold with a Cheri Blossom pattern. She sighed, smiled, and shook her head. It was just like him to be mad and still doing something sweet. He called those moments 'being the better person'.

Several minutes later, she was greeted outside by Faolan, who seemed above the Lunatone she was also free. She smiled and walked past him to the docks. Part of her knew he would follow, and that was fine. Her mind just needed time to think before she spoke to him.

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