Ch 1.5: Union Get Rekt

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An: basically Union discovered that they are f*cked.

3rd POV.

Once Union recover, from their anime fall, they try to boss Dani, Aloy and Joel. But boy were they wrong.

Dani: "No as you ain't our superior" he said and to prove it he shot Lizard brat in the nuts causing the brat to scream in pain shocking everyone, from Union, and causing the corrupt side to attack.

A few minutes later.

All the corrupt side were beaten within ten minutes which shock the none corrupt side yet a few females were turned on from Dani fighting the bullies.

So without any hesitation a lot of the none corrupt side beg to take them in as the corrupt side had force them to be quiet about the sins they had committed.

After thinking for five minutes Dani accept the none corrupt side but not the corrupt side which lead Dani and his team on guiding the none corrupt side of Union to the settlement.

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