Chapter 4

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Hey guys so I'm going to give a ShoutOut to WabbitHuggles they have been really nice so thanks. 😀

Tys pov
They have Adam what do I do I got an idea but I need some help so I ran to sets house and banged on the door he finally let me in "ty what's wrong" he asked "a-a-Adam was kidnapped by squids" I said as fast as I can he new what I wanted to do " ty are you kidding me that THING almost killed us" he yelled " I know but I I... I think I love him" I admitted shyly seto looked at me with sympathy "alright but be careful" I nodded and he went to his brewing station thing and made a potion to do what we wanted to do he handed me the potion and told me to drink it so I did and when I was done I felt pain and soon I saw huge black gender drag on wings sprout out of my back and a tail "you have control as long as you dont listen to what he says " I'm back bitches" I herd him say he laughed and the one thing running through my head was "I will find Adam and I will kill all squids.

Sorry about short chapter its like 9:00 at night

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