Chapter 3

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Jason handed the custard puffs, “Sorry, I have to pass.” He turned his back then left.

“Now, Tara. Why are you so hard on him?” Alfred asked.

“Oh, come on! He froze on the spot, knowing that people are looking at him!” She shouted. “Plus, this is a social club! We need to interact with other students in order to help them!”

“Hm, is that so?” Alfred can’t find excuses. “Then Fate, I’ll be reassigning you as Otto’s partner in intel gathering.” He concluded.

“Aren’t you listening!?” Tara is starting to lose patience.

Alfred then handed his custard puffs to Tara, “This is proof that he can do what we thought he can’t.”

After classes, Jason headed upstairs. Tara saw and followed him. She quickly lost sight of Jason, and she found herself on fourth floor of the building.

“WHAT!? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FIGHT!?” someone from inside a classroom hollered.

Tara immediately rushed to that room, feeling that Jason maybe in there. As she gets there, Tara realized she is right. But she saw that Jason is struggling with his phobia as he trembles while moving forward to those who he had a fight with six weeks ago.

“Dude, I just want to say I’m sorry for what happened.” Jason muttered.


“Then do it. I know how it feels to lose a father.” Jason looked at him in the eye. “Look, I don’t know you but who I beat up that day is not you. You’re distracting yourself from the pain by hurting others.”

The senior seemed surprise, as much as Tara is. ~What is he talking about?~ Tara thought.

Jason moved closer, “I lost my dad too, but please don’t hurt others to ease your pain. It will only make guilt when time comes.” Then he exited the room.

As he was walking away, the senior caught up with him. “Hey, can you do me one more favor.” He handed money to Jason. “This is the money I got from that kid we bullied, please give it to him.” He muttered.

A girl approached Jason on the door of the room. “Hey, umm. Thanks for standing up to him, and for him.” She expressed. “You see, people are starting to misunderstand what he is going through.”

Jason smiled and asked, “Why are you following me?”

The girl seemed confused. “What? I just got here.”

“Oh, sorry I wasn’t talking to you.” He said to the girl and turned to Tara.

“I was just looking at… nevermind!” Tara said and turned her back.

“I think she likes you.” The girl said.

Tara made a quick turn and glared at her, then she left. Her eyes gave the girl goosebumps.

“Don’t worry,” Jason reassured. “She has a bad habit of looking at people like that.”

Jason left too.

“You’re as anti-social as Jason,” Fate said to Tara while walking.

“Don’t compare me to that scaredy-cat. I’m nothing like him.” She turned her gaze away.

They went to their headquarters to buy some cake and go back home. As always, Tara bought the strawberry shortcake while Fate goes for the lemon cake. The two chatted as they eat.

“I guess I’m stuck with Otto from now on.” Fate claimed.

“You won’t be, Jason backed out the offer.” Tara reassured. “Can we talk about other things aside from what’s going on?”

“Is something the matter about Jas?” she asked, “I mean, you act really strange when he is around.”

Tara blushed, “What are you saying!? No! There’s nothing wrong!” she defended.

Fate noticed Tara’s face getting red, “Are you blushing?” she pressed.

“No! I was trying to put some make-up on! Did I apply too much?” Tara tried to segue out.

“Nope, doesn’t look like make-up” she smirked.

Tara hurried up eating and stormed off, “Hey! Wait for me!” Fate exclaimed.

As they got out of the café, they immediately noticed the man in gray jacket across the street. A truck passed by between their lines of sight and he vanished. The two looked at each other and carried on without putting much thought about the man.

Tara and Fate’s next stop is the gym. Tara does her hand-to-hand training here since even before she joined the club. She comes here from time to time, for actual training or just stress-relieving.

Tara’s instructor is observing her, “She looks extremely on edge.” She told Fate.

Fate shrugged, “Nah, she’s fine.”

The others stopped working out and watched Tara as she relentlessly punched the sandbag. She finally stopped when she noticed sand sprinkling on her foot. Her punches must have cut through the bag. Breathing heavily, Tara took off her gloves and reached for the bottle of water which Fate handed her.

“Ma’am Gi, How did it go?” Tara asked, still catching her breath.

“You seem to lose control, but your rhythm is fine.” Her instructor said, “Is there something you’re thinking about?”

“No, my mind is completely blank.” Tara brushed off the question.

“Your eyes say otherwise, Tara.” Gi pressed.

“Really, it’s nothing.” She insisted, “Fate, let’s go now.”

The two were walking to their home, finally. Then Tara realized they forgot to buy ingredients for their dinner. “Fate, you go on ahead, I’ll buy something to cook for dinner.”

“At least let me carry your bag,” Fate got Tara’s bag and left.

On the entrance of the grocery store, Tara saw what seemed to her as a big dog. She got close and realized it don’t have any leash. Instead it sat there majestically. She thought it was a stray dog then she noticed a silver collar around its neck. The dog itself could stand as tall as Tara. It glistens with white fur. It almost looked like a wolf.

Tara approached the dog without hesitation even if it is already growling at her, she looked around before petting the dog. She doesn’t want someone seeing her doing things like this.

“Aw, come on. Don’t be shy you silly dog.” Then the white dog stopped growling and suddenly becomes friendly and playful. It started licking Tara’s hand.

The grocery store’s door opened, “Tara?” a boy asked.

Tara quickly turned to the boy, her eyes widened. So are Jason’s eyes as he reads Tara carefully while she pets Fenrir.

*A'N: I have uploaded the first three parts in less than a week to gather some attention. I hope it will.

The update will take a week. I'll do my best to keep this one alive and hopefully to finish it. Thank you :)

*End of A'N

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